Welcome to the New Website!
After six and a half years it has finally happened, a new layout has been created for the website! The new layout, that looks stunning by the way, was made possible all thanks to T*AnTi-V!RuZz who has spent the better part of the last two months working on it. Huge thanks go out to him for spending so much effort on this! So what is there to be on the look for? Read on after the break to find out!
The new layout will make your life navigating through this website ways easier and more convenient than before. Through the main navigation bar on the top, the sections under each menu will automatically open when hovering over a menu button. And once you actually open a section, the menu sections will be present on the left menu and if sections on the page itself exist, these will also be visible on the left menu. Real subsections are present in a way similar to the way they used to be, as in another horizontal menu will appear under the main menu. It will probably be slightly different at first, but in no time you'll be scourging through the pages ways faster than before. And if you still find yourself lost; no worries, because there's a search function available!
The content is mostly the same as that on the old website, with many sections also having been updated to correct outdated information. Due to the way the site is set up editing is ways more convenient than that of the previous page which means that updating the website can be done in just a few clicks. This could mean that updates might be more frequent than they used to be (but as always, we dare make no promises). For those interested in the technical stuff regarding this, you'll have to excuse my ignorance on most of the details since T*AnTi-V!RuZz set up most of the stuff but we're running on concrete5. It's a totally free content management system, so if you're looking to build a website of your own you might want to check it out!
Another piece of great news is that the forums have finally moved off the dreadful free hosting server they have been floating on for the past years with horibble ads popping up when you'd want them the least. The move will require some user action as well because the host refused to sell direct database backups forcing a workaround to be used. Basically, your old password will not work on the new forum due to complications. The password for your account on the new forums will be sent via a PM to your account on the old forums. The password specified in this PM can then be used to login to your account on the new forums (it will have exactly the same username as you used to have on the old forums). You should change your password the moment you login to the new forums. Once again, credits go where credits are due. This was made possible by T*AnTi-V!RuZz who against all odds figured out how to backup the posts from the forum without having actual access to the database! Now that's quite an accomplishment.
I'm also happy to announce that the website and forums now have three admins: Myself (Litude), T*AnTi-V!RuZz and Lewin. With three admins it is hopeful that this website will be kept better up to date than before. T*AnTi-V!RuZz has been almost singlehandely working on this website for the past two months so he ought to know his way around. As we all know Lewin is pretty busy working on the KaM Remake so he will have limited time working on this website, but he might provide a helpful hand every now and then. Personally, I'm going to join the military due to conscription in January so my time will also be limited in the coming months but after that I'm hopeful that I'll be able to help in doing some house cleaning around here! ;)
Last but not least, we now finally have an actual domain for the website! The website can now be accessed anytime by going to https://www.knightsandmerchants.net/ and the forums have also been moved to https://www.knightsandmerchants.net/forum. If someone's still using bookmarks in the 10's, well now's the time to update them! The old addresses for the website will still work for now, but the old forums have been closed and access through either the new website or the new forum address is required.
In closing, I can't thank T*AnTi-V!RuZz enough for going through the huge effort of making all this possible. The website is working very well as it is but as with all things new some minor quirks might be found. Don't hesitate to report these on the forums and we'll (probably T*AnTi-V!RuZz for now though) do our best to iron these out! Thanks also go to Lewin for providinig ideas and support.
Enjoy the new website and forums and feel free to provide feedback regarding anything on the forums!
- Litude