New host, new administrative team


As some of you might have noticed, the forums have been shut down for a while. This was done due to T*AnTi-V!RuZz leaving as administrator and maintainer.


This has lead to a council being formed to take over the maintainance and administration of the website and the forum. There are sadly a lot of things that we, the council, will have to repair/rebuild/update before everything will be back to a workable condition, but the first steps have been done already.


The council consists of:

  • Krom (Admin)
  • Thibmo (Admin & Tech)
  • sado1 (Admin & Tech)
  • Vatrix (Admin)


Following are the things we already achieved:

  • The main website has been set up ad a fresh install of the CMS used for the "old" website
  • The main website's theme has been updated to work with the most recent CMS version
  • The main website's theme has been improved for speed
  • The main website's pages will all have a search form
  • The main website's galeries have been fixed and updated
  • The forum has been migrated over
  • Recreate all the missing pages within the new main website

Here is our todo list:

  • Purge all the spam from the forum
  • Update the forum to the most recent BB version
  • Find and fix some custom scripts


Thank you for your time and we will do our very best to keep the website and forum alive and clean.


- The council