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Intel Core 2 Duo Onboard Graphic Support



Post 07 Feb 2014, 14:46

Intel Core 2 Duo Onboard Graphic Support


in my pc I have the Intel Core 2 Duo without a grahpics card. I thought this wouldn't be a problem, since KaM is not a game which needs alot of power.
So I connected up my monitor, and downloaded KaM remake (with KaM TPR installed via Steam) and it does not come further than the loading screen with the window that says the names of the programmers.

So I was wondering if there is any support at all for the integrated graphics on the Intel Core 2 Duo.
Specs of the onboard graphics are:
Name: Intel(R) Q33 Express Chipset Family
Fabricator: Intel Corporation
Chiptype: Intel(R) GMA 3100
DAC-type: Internal
Total memory: 256 MB
Current resolution: 1280 x 1024 (32 bit) (60Hz)

I have updated all of the possible drivers and such, but I still can not run KaM Remake. The problem is not that I bought the original KaM through steam, because it works on my other pc just fine.
The specs of other pc:
CPU: AMD FX-6300

So if anyone know what is wrong, please tell me.

- Patrick


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Post 07 Feb 2014, 15:04

Re: Intel Core 2 Duo Onboard Graphic Support

The KaM Remake doesn't require much graphics power, but it still requires some. Your graphics card driver needs to support OpenGL 1.4 as a minimum to play the KaM Remake. If you open up the latest file from the Logs folder it will mention your graphics card model and OpenGL version somewhere (post the contents here if you are unsure).

I had a look on the internet, it looks like your graphics chip MIGHT support OpenGL 1.4. Make sure you have the latest drivers for the GMA 3100 installed from the Intel website. The ones from Windows Update might be old.


Post 07 Feb 2014, 15:15

Re: Intel Core 2 Duo Onboard Graphic Support

Thanks for the reply.
I have all the drivers updated to the latest version from the Intel website, so that probably isn't the problem. I think it might just be the graphic power is too bad to play.
I guess the game needs more power than the original game?


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Post 08 Feb 2014, 01:43

Re: Intel Core 2 Duo Onboard Graphic Support

Thanks for the reply.
I have all the drivers updated to the latest version from the Intel website, so that probably isn't the problem. I think it might just be the graphic power is too bad to play.
I guess the game needs more power than the original game?
Yes it does. The original game was only 256 colours (we have 16 million colours so terrain lighting/shading is noticeably smoother). There are also a number of other graphical improvements in the Remake that wouldn't be possible using the technology of the original game. To require the same amount of graphics power as the original game we would have had to have written the game using technology from the 1990s.

But it still doesn't require much graphics power, even a really really old graphics card should be able to run it fine.

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