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Magic Arena



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Post 16 Feb 2015, 19:55

Magic Arena

Hello. We are glad to announce that we can release a new scripted map here.

You were sent to the Astral World, where you can't kill your enemies by using physical skills. But here you can use... Magic! Choose your hero, use unique magic skills of every hero, and win the battle on the Magic Arena!

Authors: Idea - vovets1, dynamic scripting - andreus & Sertask.

Here's ReadMe. It's big enough, but i advice you to read it all.
About the game mode Magic Arena is the new game mode in KaM. Here you can defeat your enemies only by using magic skills. You can't kill enemies by hitting them with your sword, lance, etc. There are 11 heroes in this version. Every hero has 10 HP, 3 skills excluding Axe Fighter (he has 6). You have 35 seconds before game to discuss the choice of heroes, strategy, etc, then pick the hero. To pick the hero place the road plan in the tile next to one of AI soldiers, which you'll see at the start. If not, hero will be chosen by random. After 35 seconds and short performance hero will spawn at the special point. NOTE: you can change your choice once! To change hero, place barracks when you stay on your respawn. To use a skill, you need to place road, field or wine. Most of them have a delay before using. Every skill has a cooldown. Your hero has 10 HP. If you were damaged, you lose 1 (for all damaging skills) HP and respawn at your point, where you started the game. If you have 0 HP, you'll be removed from the arena to the tribune. Be careful: you can damage yourself or your allies by inaccurate using of your skills. Also, don’t step on the "animation tiles", they'll kill you too. As well as your enemies. Most of skills can't kill the hero standing just in the next tile. "Line skills" (which attacks along the line) directs according to gaze direction. Line skills can't go diagonally. When you respawn, you have 6 seconds of immortality. Only one can kill you during the immortality. You will find it below in the text. Every 2 minutes a rune will spawn in the middle of the map. They will help you to win. To use it, just stand on it. You can’t be in the tile of spawn of rune, if rune is absent. There are 4 types of runes: Regeneration, Illusion, Immortality and ReCharge. Regeneration (bush) - regens 1 HP Illusion (palm) - creates 4 your illusions, which try to attack enemies by hand. They live 3 minutes. Can’t be imprisoned (Bowman, skill “Prison”) Immortality (reed) - your hero becomes immortal for 20 seconds. Effect is similar to respawn immortality effect. ReCharge (young tree) – reset cooldowns and decrease them for 25% for next 60 seconds. Teams only 1234 vs 5678. (!) Recommended speed: x1.5 Good luck! We hope you enjoy our creation. Information about the Heroes and their skills Here is information about heroes and their skills. Every hero has distinctive features, one can kill from far distance, another can avoid it, etc. Try all heroes, and their combinations. Keep in mind, that team play here is very important. Right choice is the key to victory. Max HP: 12. If you are playing this map for the first time, try choosing Crossbowman or Barbarian, because in developer’s opinion, they are the easiest heroes to start playing. Don’t pick Swordman, Scout and Rogue. They are hard enough to understand.   Lance Carrier Fiery lance. Lance Carrier throws a magic lance. Distance: 10x1 (10 - length, 1 - width). Cooldown: 8 seconds. Delay: short. Animation during the delay: 4 tiles. Speed: medium Effects: -1 HP Teleport. Lance Carrier disappears from one place and appears in another. Radius: 5 tiles Cooldown: 8 seconds Delay: - Animation: - Effects: just teleport. Nothing more. Ten thousand spears. Lance carrier prepares lots of magic lances and then throws them as the crow flies. Distance: 20x3 Cooldown: 26 seconds Delay: long Animation: 8 tiles. Speed: very fast Effects: -1 HP.   Barbarian Cracking Earth. Barbarian swings his blade and hits the ground which causes a fissure in front of the hero. Distance: 8x1 Cooldown: 11 seconds Delay: short Animation: 4 tiles Speed: slow Effects: -1 HP, fissure lays on the ground for 6,5 seconds. Wave of Rage. With a powerful roar Barbarian creates a magic wave around the hero. Radius: from 2 to 5 tiles Number of waves: 1 Cooldown: 18 seconds Delay: - Animation: - Speed: fast Effects: -1 HP. Block enemy's attack.   Totem of Anсestors. Barbarian uses the power of his ancestors and creates a totem near himself. Radius of using: 7 tiles Radius of waves: 4 tiles Number of waves: 5 Cooldown: 30 seconds Delay: long Animation: 8 tiles (with the ability of escaping) Speed: slow Effects: -1 HP.   Crossbowman Accurate shot. Crossbowman takes aim and shoots a magic arrow. Distance: 12x1 Cooldown: 10 seconds Delay: short Animation: 4 tiles Speed: fast Effects: -1 HP Sudden death. Crossbowman bursts and burns the ground. Radius of using: 8 tiles Area of burst: 3x3 Cooldown: 16 seconds Delay: long Animation: 4 tiles Effects: -1 HP Sniper Shot. Crossbowman raises all his internal powers and makes an incredible shot. Distance: 48x1 (whole map) Cooldown: 22 seconds Delay: medium Animation: 8 tiles Speed: fast Effects: -1 HP Sword Fighter Spiked Earth. Using the Black Magic, Sword Fighter creates a path of spiked thorns. Distance: 8x1 Cooldown: 10 seconds Delay: short Duration: 8 seconds max (5 seconds path lays, 3 seconds after that) Animation: 4 tiles Speed: slow Effects: Stuns every hero who stepped on this path. Stunned heroes can't move and cast spells. Storming heroes (Axe Fighter, Sword Fighter, Barbarian, Warrior) during the charge goes on storming, but they can't use skills anyway. Zombie Summon. Swordfighter creates an ugly zombie, who follows the enemies and tries to kill them. Radius of summon: 4 tiles Cooldown: 13 seconds. Zombies time of life: 3 minutes Delay: - Animation: - Effects: Zombie can hit an enemy with his weapon, but enemy can't, and he has to kill them by a skill. The main feature: zombies can kill heroes through the immortality. This is very important against Bowman, Crossbowman and Rogue.   Fear. Sword Fighter casts a powerful curse which makes enemies lost control of their heroes; they start wandering around, and they can't use skills. To use it, place wine just under the enemy hero. Radius: 5 tiles Cooldown: 25 seconds Delay: - Animation: - Duration: 8 seconds Effects: Enemy can't use spells, and he wanders around. As while you stunned but storming, you go on storming and you can't use spells when feared.   Bowman Rocket. Bowman launches a rocket to any place. Radius: 48 tiles (whole map) Cooldown: 10 seconds Delay: short Animation: 4 tiles Effects: -1 HP. The rocket leaves a trail behind, but only 1 tile can kill. Prison. Bowman hones hero (or heroes) in stone prison. Radius of using: 6 tiles Radius of prison: 4 tiles Duration: 6 seconds Cooldown: 14 seconds Delay: - Animation: - Effects: Heroes can't move in prison. None can destroy it. Revenge from Nowhere. Bowman creates an arrow shot with an explosive attached to the arrow. It causes a big burst. Distance: 16x1 Radius of explosion: 6 tiles Number of explosions: 1 Cooldown: 25 seconds Delay: medium Animation: 8 tiles Speed: fast Effects: -1 HP. Pikeman Vise of Death. Pikeman creates a terrible vise which spawns on the distant from the pikeman, and then goes to him immediately. After that he destroys it and throws it as the crow flies. Radius: 5 tiles Distance: 8x1 Cooldown: 16 seconds. Delay: - Animation: - Speed: fast, then medium. Effects: -1 HP. Block enemy's attack Sacrificial teleport. Pikeman uses a couple of his blood and teleports for far distance. Radius: 10 tiles Cooldown: 15 seconds Delay: - Animation: - Effects: Pikeman loses 1 HP, and teleports. You can’t use it when you have 1 HP.   Concentration. Pikeman prepares a big burst of forbidden magic. He is immortal but stunned while preparing. After that his power escapes, destroy anything and anyone who dared be near. Radius: 8 tiles Number of waves: 1 Cooldown: 30 seconds Delay: very long Animation: 4 tiles Speed: fast Effects: -1 HP, Preparing status (immortality + stun).   Axe Fighter Gravity. Axe Fighter creates a gravity changing in the point nearby. So all units near will gather there. Radius of using: 5 tiles Radius of gravity field: 5 tiles Cooldown: 18 seconds Delay: - Animation: - Speed: happens instantly. Effects: violent gathering of heroes. Deadly fireworks. Axe Fighter creates a very powerful explosion. Be careful: don’t harm yourself and your allies! Radius of the first burst: from 2 to 5 tiles Radius of the secondary bursts: from 2 to 3 tiles Radius of using: 6 tiles. Delay: very long Animation: 4 tiles Speed: fast Cooldown: 20 seconds Effects: -1 HP. Pierse blocks. Everyone can see where you are going to set fireworks.   Werewolf. After a few delay Axe Fighter shifts his shape and becomes Vagabond. To use it, place wine field near the Axe Fighter. Delay: short Animation: - Effect: you are Vagabond, a new hero. You can’t use skills of Axe Fighter when you are Vagabond. Cooldown: 135 seconds. Duration: 45 seconds.   Axe Fighter - Werewolf Disorientation. Vagabond uses his wild magic and stuns heroes for a while. Radius of using: 6 tiles Area: 3x3 Cooldown: 13 seconds Delay: - Animation: - Duration: 1 second Speed: happens instantly Effects: stun. Fiery track. Vagabond uses fuel oils and leaves a fiery track behind him. Anyone will be damaged if he steps on it. Duration: 10 seconds Cooldown: 17 seconds Delay: short Animation: 4 tiles Effects: -1 HP   Regen. Vagabond uses his unique knowledge about healing magic. Radius of using: 4 tiles Area: 3x3 Cooldown: 60 seconds Delay: medium Animation: 4 tiles Duration: 5 seconds Effects: +1 HP. You can get 1 HP once in 6 seconds. It means that you can earn 1 HP for 1 using the skill. Be careful: your enemies can steal your healing bushes.   Warrior Fiery snake. Warrior releases a fiery snake from his hand, which goes like zigzag. Distance: 12 tiles Width: 3 tiles Cooldown: 11 seconds Animation: 4 tiles Delay: short Speed: medium Effect: -1 HP. Sturdy Armor. Warrior strengthens his or ally’s armor, making the target immortal for a while. Radius: 5 tiles Immortality duration: 5 seconds Cooldown: 16 seconds Animation: 4 tiles (they don’t kill) Delay: medium Effect: Immortality is the same as rune’s immortality of after respawn.   Circle of Silence. Warrior forbids using of spells and then makes a fiery wall around him. Silence zone radius: 9 tiles Fiery walls width: 2 tiles Duration: 12 seconds Cooldown: 35 seconds Animation: 8 tiles Delay: medium no delay for silence, medium delay for walls Effects: silence for enemies who were in circle radius when spell was casted. Fiery walls: -1 HP.  Knight Ropes of Death. After a short delay Knight pulls enemy or ally to you. Radius of using: 5 tiles Cooldown: 13 seconds Animation: 4 tiles (doesn’t kill) Delay: medium Effect: The target appears near you in the tile you are watching. Deafening Clatter. The Knights’ horse makes a very loud stunning clatter Radius: from 2 to 4 tiles Cooldown: 15 seconds Duration: 5 seconds Animation: - Delay: - Speed: medium Effect: stun. Can block enemy’s attacks Raging Spurt. Knights makes a spurt and tramples anyone who is straight ahead. Distance: 12 tiles Cooldown: 20 seconds Animation: 8 tiles (doesn’t kill) Delay: long Speed: very fast Effect: quick teleport, and-1 HP for anyone who is near Knight’s direction. Preparing status (immortality + stun). Immortality during all the spurt  Rogue Mental Burst. With the power of thought Rogue makes a burst on a medium distance. Distance: 8 tiles Radius: 3 tiles Cooldown: 6 seconds Animation: 4 tiles Delay: short Speed: very fast Effect: -1 HP. Spell Stealing. Rogue steals from enemy his last casted spells for a while. Radius: 8 tiles Cooldown: 10 seconds Animation: 4 tiles (doesn’t kill) Delay: short Duration: 120 seconds. Effect: you steal a spell, and you can cast it by clicking wine field. You can reset cooldown on stolen spell if you steal it again.   Scout Boulders. Scout tries to make prisons like Bowman, but the stones rarely places like prison. But it’s not a problem. Radius: 7 tiles Amount of boulders: 8 Duration: 7 seconds Cooldown: 10 seconds Animation: - Delay: - Effect: A boulder appears in specified point. None can walk on it. You can place 8 boulders before the spell goes on cooldown. Life Steal. Scout did a lot of experiments to learn something about vampirism, but he wasn’t successful a lot. He tries, but every time The Crystal of the Life can’t reach him. But it’s not a problem. Uses by clicking on target. Radius: 5 tiles Radius of drop: 2 tiles Cooldown: 20 seconds Animation: 4 tiles Delay: medium Effect: -1 HP (you can use this spell on enemies or on yourself). Drops heal near target. You can’t use this spell on yourself if you have 1 HP. Can kill summons, but wouldn’t drop heal bush.   Mind control. Finally, Scout gave up copying success from another heroes… he just started to control their bodies. Uses by clicking on target. Radius of using: 4 tiles Duration: 15 seconds Cooldown: 50 seconds Animation: 8 tiled (can’t kill) Delay: long Effect: Scout captures the mind of enemy, and he can control him, but he can’t control yourself. Your target is immortal during control and 2 seconds after that. Don’t forget about effects of another spells. E.g. if you decided to heal when you control somebody – you’ll heal your target, not yourself.


One second before...





Bloodthirsty Barb. 0,1 second before =)


Link for downloading: (2.27)
Last edited by vovets1 on 24 Nov 2015, 20:00, edited 8 times in total.


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Sword Fighter

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Post 17 Feb 2015, 10:50

Re: Magic Arena

Great idea :)
here some opinion by me:
- direction for spell should be set from hero to road placed position - it will make game much easier to use.
- ive been killed by my own spells.
- prevent PK (player kill) at spawn positions (one miliita was killing me without chance to move).
- for now it will be better with less hero ( like only 3 types ). Many spells are just the same.
- i see this as coop map, players vs ai, or pvp ( but not arena pvp + random bots - its chaos :P ) ( coop arena - "Gladiators" with waves ) ( pvp hero map - like Dota (bots as support not main target ))
My advice is to focus on gameplay. For me its boring to do same things all the time. Ill look forward this map, nicly done :)


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Sword Fighter

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Post 17 Feb 2015, 12:42

Re: Magic Arena

Great idea :)
here some opinion by me:
- direction for spell should be set from hero to road placed position - it will make game much easier to use.
- ive been killed by my own spells.
- prevent PK (player kill) at spawn positions (one miliita was killing me without chance to move).
- for now it will be better with less hero ( like only 3 types ). Many spells are just the same.
- i see this as coop map, players vs ai, or pvp ( but not arena pvp + random bots - its chaos :P ) ( coop arena - "Gladiators" with waves ) ( pvp hero map - like Dota (bots as support not main target ))
My advice is to focus on gameplay. For me its boring to do same things all the time. Ill look forward this map, nicly done :)

1). It's logical that where hero sees there he attacks.
2). It's feature. Just stop moving during casting your skill. It's logical. Again =) Btw, some skills can be casted during your movenemts.
3). It's feature again. We have immortality bonus after spawning, but militia pierces it. Btw, if you are bowman, you can cast your 3rd skill and kill militia around you. Sword isn't strong enough, so, we did as you can see now =). Btw, sword needs to get closer to you. You can prevent it.

There features make game harder. It'll be more boring without it. Easy game is not interesting.

4). Every skill is different. Different radius/distance, different delay.
5). AI can choose only swords now, and cast only 2nd and 3rd skills. Good AI is a very hard work, so we'll do it later.

Minuses of our map now:
1). All players can see the Beacons (B). We can't fix it, needs special script.
2). During waves of Revenge (pikeman) your FPS can be rather low.
3). Beginners may entangle enemies and allies. So it was an idea to give only Red and Blue shades to the team. Again, we need special script. How not to entangle: press and hold on T, open chat, then stop holding T, and PROFIT! You are the best.

Our plans in the near future:
1). New hero - warrior
2). Runes. They'll spawn in the center of the map once a (we don't know exactly how often). Double damage, regen, immortality, and so on.
3). Sounds.

We don't know about adding Scout and Knight, because of their speed. Maybe we'll replace some skills for something new and unique.


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Sword Fighter

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Post 17 Feb 2015, 13:28

Re: Magic Arena

1) its can be logical too if u force unit to look at target. OnRoadPlan > SetUnitDirection(target xy) > UseSpell(hero.dir). Much more sensible.
2) If spells dont have a Cast Time they should be able to cast while moving. But its harder and cool when u have to care about own spell (like trap), but its bug when u cast spell in right way and u die ( while moving )
3) Still i feel that the immortal mode is unneccesary, and its not working well like exmaple with bowman and militia. (killing by one hit). For me it would be cool if u just kill the all enemy untis within range of 1,2 of my spawn position to ensure that ill be fine :)
4) yes in that way they are difrent but types of thats spell are not much difrrent :)
I can help you with AI, and sounds pack :)


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Post 17 Feb 2015, 15:44

Re: Magic Arena

1). Again it makes game mush easier.
2). Just press stop button and wait. For more skills you can go forward 1 tile.
4). i think there's no reason to change current heroes. But we will ad something scepial to new.
Last edited by vovets1 on 17 Feb 2015, 15:53, edited 1 time in total.


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Post 17 Feb 2015, 15:50

Re: Magic Arena

1). Again it makes game mush easier.
easier to play not easier to win ;)


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Post 17 Feb 2015, 16:14

Re: Magic Arena

I think you just need to play about 5 games, and you won't have such problems =)

P.S. o forgot, we'll do list of HP in your team.


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Post 17 Feb 2015, 17:11

Re: Magic Arena

That you can be killed by your own spell is very annoying. At first I thought I wasn't doing something right, but nah it's just a messy "feature."

Please change it :l
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Post 17 Feb 2015, 17:36

Re: Magic Arena

That you can be killed by your own spell is very annoying. At first I thought I wasn't doing something right, but nah it's just a messy "feature."

Please change it :l
It was done for balance. Some heroes has powerful spells, but they have to stay in that place where they started casting. Or use teleports, etc.

Also, we can just block "command menu" of hero, but then if you are Barb or Axe, you can storm and dont pay attention for it.

In addition, "animation tiles" is a method of close-handed fight. If animation won't kill, then we'll have blind zones near heroes. And we can't do so, that my animation won't kill me, but will kill my enemy. Hero can't kill. Objects can.

I know only one skill what needs fixing. Vise of Death (Pikeman). Your wave can't kill yourself (if you'll pick 2 or more pikes, you'll see that every pike has different stumps, different objects. But you can kill yourself by your line. We'll delete one nearest stump here (all heroes there will die by wave).

I can only advice you to be more careful, and dont forget about magic button "Stop".
No one said that playing here is easy :wink:


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Post 17 Feb 2015, 17:39

Re: Magic Arena

Well it makes the game very unfun. It is also frustrating for new players, as they can be very confused as to who is killing them, only to figure out after losing 3 games that it was their own magic all along.
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Post 17 Feb 2015, 17:48

Re: Magic Arena

Well it makes the game very unfun. It is also frustrating for new players, as they can be very confused as to who is killing them, only to figure out after losing 3 games that it was their own magic all along.
1). We'll do sounds. One of them will be "Suicide" or "Self-Kill".
2). Everyone must see the readme before playing. I can't do something, if players don't want to read it.
3). As i said to RandomLyrics, you just need practicing a bit, and it won't be a problem for you.
4). You can choose a hero who hasn't so much animation, such as Axe Fighter.


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Post 17 Feb 2015, 20:20

Re: Magic Arena

Screenshots added


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Post 09 May 2015, 23:04

Re: Magic Arena

I wasn't here rather long =)

I'll post here the latest version (1.06)

- Runes:
Every 2 minutes a rune will spawn in the middle of the map. They will help you to win. To use it, just stand on it. You can’t be in the tile of spawn of rune, if rune is absent.
There are 3 types of runes: Regeneration, Illusion and Immortality.
Regeneration - restore you 1 hp
Illusion - creates 4 your illusions, which try to attack enemies by hand. They live 3 minutes. Can’t be imprisoned (Bowman, skill “Prison”)
Immortality - your hero becomes immortal for 15 seconds. Effect is similar to respawn immortality effect.
Fixed Bowman mine bugs: could be placed on top of old mine, walls, roads, stones etc, could sometimes become invisible even for allies and kill someone again when placed right under units-
Immortal heroes are marked on map (there will be stone under them)
- More texts moved into libx
- Less max HP (12 now)
- Better AI: Can use Barb's Wave of Rage, won't use Fear against allies
- PDF Readme update-
- Vagabond: new skill "Disorientation" instead of "Unexpected Movement", stuns enemy for 1 second
- Pikeman: New skill "Concentration" instead of "Waves of Revenge", stuns and makes him immortal for a while and then creates a deadly wave
- Barbarian: Wave of Rage: radius -1 tile, Totem of Ancestors: Radius +1 tile
- Bowman: Fixed Prison usage near spawn points; Prison can block zombies (but not everytime)
- Pikeman: Fixed Vise of Death self-kill (secondary line was too close) :D
- Lance Carrier: Teleport cooldown increased to 10 seconds
- Axe Fighter: Werewolf cooldown increased to 135 seconds
- Time to choose hero increased to 35 seconds
- Choose hero by placing road WHERE AI SOLDIER STAYS (NOT NEXT TO HIM)
- Team info shown for players (Nicknames, colors, heroes, HP)
- Heroes placement changed a bit (on start screen when you choose them)


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Post 12 May 2015, 13:48

Re: Magic Arena

new version (1.08)

Here's bug fixes + balance fixes a bit. You can see it in the description of the map.


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Post 09 Jun 2015, 14:43

Re: Magic Arena

New version - 1.37 Ling for downloading in the main post.

1). New hero - Warrior.

Fiery snake. Warrior releases a fiery snake from his hand, which goes like zigzag.
Distance: 12 tiles
Width: 3 tiles
Cooldown: 11 seconds
Animation: 4 tiles
Delay: short
Speed: medium
Effect: -1 hp.

Sturdy armor. Warrior strengthens his or ally’s armor, making the target immortal awhile.
Radius: 5 tiles
Immortality duration: 5 seconds
Cooldown: 16 seconds
Animation: 4 tiles (they don’t kill)
Delay: medium
Effect: Immortality is the same as rune’s immortality of after respawn.

Circle of Silence. Warrior makes a cage with fiery walls. Enemies can’t use spells in it.
Radius: 7 tiles
Fiery walls width: 2 tiles
Duration: 10 seconds
Cooldown: 32 seconds
Animation: 8 tiles
Delay: medium
Effects: silence for enemies who were in circle radius when spell was casted. Fiery walls: -1 hp.

2). A message with Hero description will be sent when you choose Hero
3). Sound when you step on Bowman's mine ;D I think you'll enjoy it
4). Readme fixed and updated
5). Completed AI Sword Fighter, Barbarian, Warrior and Crossbowman
6). AI Pikeman uses Vise of Death and Concentration
7). AI Lance Carrier can use Fiery Lance and 10000 Spears
8). AI can't use wine or field skills in tiles where fields can't be placed (like humans)
9). AI Sword Fighter spawns zombies in a random tile around him (like humans)
10). Show AI hero choice (like human's)
11). Fixed "Illusion" status
12). Trees can't be planted on top of mines or totems

Now balance:
13). Pikeman: Sacrificial Teleport can't be used when hero has 1 HP; Vise of death cooldown -2 seconds
14). Axe Fighter: Fireworks cooldown +2 seconds
15). Bowman: better mines, after exploding they create 3x3 deadly zones which disappear after 2 seconds. And don't forget about the sound =)
16). Lance Carrier: Teleport cooldown -2 seconds; Fiery Lance cooldown -1 second; Slower Fiery Lance speed
17). Barbarian: Cracking Earth cleanup time +1,5 seconds

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