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Post 02 Nov 2012, 22:16

My Online Gaming

Hey everyone. I went ahead and tried to play an online game today. I'm glad I did! It was great fun. For my first game in a long time, I didn't do bad (but I didn't play great either). It was a rather chaotic game. My team played 3 vs 4 since one of our own (white colored player) quit after he blocked some of his resources with building sites (how rude!)

There is no way my team would have won if the people we attacked didn't quit. At least I don't think so. They had to have been able to come back. I was so weak until very late in the game and one of the others on my team (aqua colored player) never made an army so it was basically 4 armies vs 1.5 armies. (with me being the .5)

I looked at the map (Same Rocks) before I started the game so I could know how to build my base. I was situated safely behind my allies, but with no iron. I figured that bowmen and lancers would be crushed during the battle right after PT so I decided that I would build a huge farm production before I made weapons. My plan was to reinforce my allies late into the game after the armies had crumbled. However, with my flank exposed (white's side) i knew that I had to train an army. I started too late though. I had only 30 some militia and 15 bowmen by the end of PT!
With aggressive tactics, my one ally that had and army (blue player) and I sneaked into one of our enemies base (red player), provoking him into resignation. My aqua colored ally (remember that he had no army) had only one thing to help: a tower defense. It only consisted of about four towers, but it was enough to scare the enemy into finding another way in: through our exposed flank (white's side). I thought it was over. I couldn't defend myself, but my blue ally sent some pikemen over to help. With a 2 scouts and a few groups of militia, I ambushed the attacker's bowmen and crossbowmen. We barely survived that. Shortly after, another enemy (yellow) sent some militia after my aqua ally, but they couldn't handle my bowmen that I sent to help. Strangely, he quit during the attack. Perhaps he ran out of gold?
That was when I first thought that we could win. It was short lived; however, because a large army attacked my blue ally because he sent his men to my base. He lost his barracks, but it wasn't a big problem because he still had plenty of pikemen, and I finally started reaping the rewards of a huge economy. I easily replaced my fallen militia and bowmen, and was able to protect him until he could build a new barracks.
Soon, the green enemy would quit after losing another fighting battle. After that, me and my ally (aqua quit) defeated our one remaining enemy. it was quite the game. I can't believe that my team won!
Last edited by Ben on 12 Dec 2012, 23:18, edited 7 times in total.
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Post 02 Nov 2012, 22:30

Re: My First Game in Forever!

Offtopic : Murtagh for someone who deosn't want to reveal himself, nice choice :p

On topic : didn't watch the replay, but it was quite a chaotic game indeed judging by your description ! I think you had a nice idea to build a good economy right at the start ;)


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Post 03 Nov 2012, 01:13

Re: My First Game in Forever!

1º comment: "Replays" consist of 3 archives with the same name, the 3 terminations are .sav, .rpl, .bas.
If one of these is missing, replay cannot be loaded at game. Be sure to check this always.

2º comment: It might have been a good fun for you, only because was your first game in long time.
If what you described repeats in 2nd, 3rd and next games, you will start feeling uncomfortable... I say this because you played with "random players" (those who noone knows) and already 1 early quitter, making the initial teams distribution a joke of it.

It's like you will forgive "them" in this 1st match, but you will wish to play with more serious and responsible people later.
I recommend you to join TeamSpeak 3 players group, there are very good players and also keep trustful relationships.
KaM Skill Level: Jeronimo


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Post 03 Nov 2012, 05:06

Re: My First Game in Forever!

Congratulations on your victory!! )

From the description that was a great and fun game :)
I had won my first MP game few weeks ago (plz don't laugh, I don't play that much) and that was a pleasure remembering it by reading your descriptions, the sens of easy victory, unexpected armies, fear of loosing, relief of fighting back and helping teammates. That was great about it ))
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Post 03 Nov 2012, 09:11

Re: My First Game in Forever!

Good job Ben!

Like Jero already said the replay is missing some files, including them would be nice. Teamspeak is probably an option to get decent games (haven't tried it yet), but the mini chat often works as well.

Have fun and enjoy your future games!
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Post 03 Nov 2012, 15:14

Re: My First Game in Forever!

Offtopic : Murtagh for someone who deosn't want to reveal himself, nice choice :p

I don't know what you mean by this. Could you please explain?
2º comment: It might have been a good fun for you, only because was your first game in long time.
If what you described repeats in 2nd, 3rd and next games, you will start feeling uncomfortable... I say this because you played with "random players" (those who noone knows) and already 1 early quitter, making the initial teams distribution a joke of it.

It's like you will forgive "them" in this 1st match, but you will wish to play with more serious and responsible people later.
I recommend you to join TeamSpeak 3 players group, there are very good players and also keep trustful relationships.
To this day, I have played more games with poor sports, early quitters, trolls, and people who violate PT (before it was enforced) than games where all played fair. This game would have made me very upset if my team had lost, but against all odds we won. You are right; though, and even winning is boring when people just quit after losing some men.

By the way, the attachment now has the correct files.
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Post 03 Nov 2012, 15:16

Re: My First Game in Forever!

2º comment: It might have been a good fun for you, only because was your first game in long time.
If what you described repeats in 2nd, 3rd and next games, you will start feeling uncomfortable... I say this because you played with "random players" (those who noone knows) and already 1 early quitter, making the initial teams distribution a joke of it.

It's like you will forgive "them" in this 1st match, but you will wish to play with more serious and responsible people later.
I recommend you to join TeamSpeak 3 players group, there are very good players and also keep trustful relationships.
To this day, I have played more games with poor sports, early quitters, trolls, and people who violate PT (before it was enforced) than games where all played fair. This game would have made me very upset if my team had lost, but against all odds we won. You are right; though, and even winning is boring when people just quit after losing some men.

By the way, the attachment now has the correct files.
you can always join ts or chat in the minichat to have a gems with reasonable players. the quitters are very annoying i have to agree, but there is nothing to do about it.

btw congratz on your game! :D
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Post 03 Nov 2012, 15:21

Re: My First Game in Forever!

Thanks, dicsoupcan :)
By the way, is the minichat just another name for the shoutbox?

EDIT: Never mind. I figured it out ;)
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Post 04 Nov 2012, 02:30

Re: My First Game in Forever!

I don't know what you mean by this. Could you please explain?
Oh I thought you chosed Murtagh because of a book, too long to explain then :p


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Post 04 Nov 2012, 16:14

Re: My First Game in Forever!

Totally off topic now:
Oh I thought you chose Murtagh because of a book, too long to explain then :p
If you are talking about the Inheritance Cycle, than yes: I did choose the name from that character! I actually use "Murtagh" as my all-purpose game name. I use my name for the Forum because everyone already knows me as "Ben" (I joined the site before I read the books).
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Post 04 Nov 2012, 16:45

Re: My First Game in Forever!

Oh ok :p

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