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Diagonal roads

PostPosted: 08 Nov 2011, 14:14
by Lewin
I've seen a number of multiplayer screenshots (and I've seen it in games too) where people exhibit the following repulsive behaviour:


Doesn't that look like the ugliest road you've ever seen in KaM's beautiful landscape? BUT WAIT! Now what is this? Those serfs aren't delivering materials to that construction site! Those lazy bastards! Sitting there pondering the meaning of life instead of getting on with things!

Hmmmm, lets see what happens if we do this:


TA-DA! They deliver the building materials!!
In the next version of the Remake, serfs will be fussy little so-and-so's. They will refuse to walk on your ugly diagonal cheaty stone-saving loser roads, and you will have to spend a few extra stone to make them connect properly! How awful for you :P

I hope this will significantly improve the aesthetics of villages everywhere and make the serfs much happier. Who knows, they might even start doing deliveries efficiently in the not-too-distant future now that they have beautiful roads to walk on... :wink:

Krom suggested we make it a poll. Please let us know whether you think about it by voting :) (and ignore my biased opinion stated above)

PostPosted: 08 Nov 2011, 14:31
by Siegfried
THANKS for that :D

But Krom gave a good comment on the code page on that point.

PostPosted: 08 Nov 2011, 14:33
by Danjb
Good call!!

PostPosted: 08 Nov 2011, 14:39
by The Dark Lord
Haha, funny post. I hate it too, it looks very ugly. I admit I did it once, but that was to gain speed because it was 3 vs 4. :wink:
Normally I try to make my village as beautiful as possible and yet I try not to get overrun. It's almost like a sport. :P

PostPosted: 08 Nov 2011, 14:48
by T*AnTi-V!RuZz
Normally I try to make my village as beautiful as possible and yet I try not to get overrun. It's almost like a sport. :P
Same here! :P

Sometimes I'm too late building soldiers because I was too busy making my village beautiful.. :(

PostPosted: 08 Nov 2011, 15:08
by Lewin
Krom suggested we make this a poll, so please vote above! There is another option of making this still be allowed, but rendering it nicely:
X. `X [/quote] with the dots being "filled in" with a small amount of road. I still think players should have to spend the extra stone and build it as shown in the second picture, but that's just my opinion so please state yours and vote :)

PostPosted: 08 Nov 2011, 15:16
by T*AnTi-V!RuZz
Krom suggested we make this a poll, so please vote above! There is another option of making this still be allowed, but rendering it nicely:
X. `X [/quote] with the dots being "filled in" with a small amount of road. I still think players should have to spend the extra stone and build it as shown in the second picture, but that's just my opinion so please state yours and vote :)[/quote] I think it would look weird.. I'd need to see an example of a diagonal road with filled corners (or something like that)..

PostPosted: 08 Nov 2011, 15:19
by Siegfried
I voted for the improved rendering because the extra stones make the road weave along.
It's of course better than the unspeakable diaganol road, but still away from being perfect.

PostPosted: 08 Nov 2011, 15:29
by Lewin
I voted for the improved rendering because the extra stones make the road weave along.
It's of course better than the unspeakable diaganol road, but still away from being perfect.
Well I think we could make it render nicely which ever way we do it, so I guess the question is whether the player should place the roads like this and spend less stone:
X  X   X[/quote] Or like this and spend more stone: [code]XX  XX   XX    XX[/quote] Either way, we could render it as a nice diagonal road so it doesn't weave.

PostPosted: 08 Nov 2011, 15:34
by The Dark Lord
Just spend the stones, it's not like you'll run out of stones fast (2 stonecutters are enough)

PostPosted: 08 Nov 2011, 18:50
by Shadaoe
I never used this :
-it looks bad
-it's cheating, showing you're weak :p

I love to have a realistic village, with real roads, it's just so nice, no need to do a cheating diagonal road ;p
But I've read on google page that they can still walk on diagonal roads once you connected with a proper road, imo it should be fixed (I know maybe it's hard etc, it's already all good you did this ! Don't take it as if I said it was useless :p )

PostPosted: 09 Nov 2011, 00:20
by Lewin
I love to have a realistic village, with real roads, it's just so nice, no need to do a cheating diagonal road ;p
But I've read on google page that they can still walk on diagonal roads once you connected with a proper road, imo it should be fixed (I know maybe it's hard etc, it's already all good you did this ! Don't take it as if I said it was useless :p )
Well I don't think this will happen in many cases. e.g. why would I build two roads to my iron mine, one properly and one like this? To be honest I don't have such a problem with players using this occasionally when trying to build a shortcut around a building but there is a mountain blocking the corner. The amount of stone that you could save now is tiny, as it would only be when there is already a road leading there. I think most of the people who use this will stop doing it all together.
But we'll take what you said on board, I just think it would be very hard to implement unless we stop serfs from cutting corners on roads or make them not able to walk diagonal at all, which would obviously be stupid.

PostPosted: 09 Nov 2011, 01:32
by Ben
It doesn't seem like it would be too hard to draw up our own graphics for a diagonal road. Of course, that is just my slightly uneducated guess.

My vote would be: Only if graphics existed for a real diagonal road.

PostPosted: 09 Nov 2011, 11:22
by Juba
Well, I think diagonal roads would look nice but if smooth rendering isn't possbile then I suggest to prevent players building these ugly roads.

PostPosted: 09 Nov 2011, 13:22
by xzaz
It doesn't seem like it would be too hard to draw up our own graphics for a diagonal road. Of course, that is just my slightly uneducated guess.

My vote would be: Only if graphics existed for a real diagonal road.
Diagonal roads meen that tiles arround it need to be adjusted
x0 0x [/quote] The 0's tiles need to be adjusted, their need to be road in the bottom left corner and the upper right corner.