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Border Wars

PostPosted: 23 Mar 2014, 18:40
by RandomLyrics
Hi im working on new map focused on fighting/tactics etc. There are 2 teams (4 vs 4), 5 territories to conquer( red castle - plain - valley - upland - blue castle ). At start u fight for Valley then if red team wins then he fights for upland etc. ( kinda tug of war). At start u have Barracks with starting resource, u create your dream army which are used for every battle. U get new weapons/recruitcs for kills, every round (before battle) u can spend it (recruits).
I have all script written for that, but i dont have map/terrain. Im looking for someone to help me with that coz map is big 255x255 :>.

Feel free to ask about map/screens :)
Welcome to Border Wars! Your goal is to conquer all of your opponents territory (stars represent it) by killing all their military units.
First you are fighting for middle territory:
After wining this round as a Red Kingdom you move forward deeper in Azure Realm:
Winning two times in a row, gives you chance to defeat opponents kingdom:
Fall of one of the realms ends story showing final score and your "micro rank"(higher better):
Total Kills/Deaths/Army Count:
Use Barracks to equip soldiers that you will deploy in every battle. When you're ready to battle, open the door in your barracks (delivery):
Gold is used to building houses, you will get Gold every round based on your Income. Every house gives specific things:
After round the houses will be finished and give you their product:
You can place towers on the battlefield near your troops ( in range ) ( place watch tower plans ). Every tower built in your spot gives you 2 to deploy. Every placed tower 2 time reloads.
Your Honour allows you to choose which troops will join you, just place specific house near your castle. ( Honour earns every kill )
Screens of territory:
Red Kingdom
East Plain
Bridge of Fall
West Upland
Azure Realm
Screens of gameplay:
Late game

Download will be available soon...

Re: Border Wars

PostPosted: 05 Apr 2014, 17:25
by Tiank
I can try to work a little bit on West Upland :).

Send me the latest version of map by PM. Also, write me some info about that part. Do you want it to look in a specfic way? What should be special about this part?

Re: Border Wars

PostPosted: 05 Apr 2014, 17:55
by andreus
Btw isn't this map... Imperial Conquest? :P

Re: Border Wars

PostPosted: 05 Apr 2014, 18:20
by Ben
He changed the name since the idea of conquest is more or less "trademarked" by sado and dicsoupcan. Verily, conquest is our jargon for an actual gamemode, and this map is something quite different than conquest.

Re: Border Wars

PostPosted: 06 Apr 2014, 03:58
by dicsoupcan
hehe thanks ben, but if i may add a suggestion it can always be called control points as a new gamemode. i think the gamemode itself is more important and interesting then the name itself.

Re: Border Wars

PostPosted: 06 Apr 2014, 08:40
by RandomLyrics
I can try to work a little bit on West Upland :).
Send me the latest version of map by PM
I already finished terrain :P but when ill have finished map script, we can think about something :)

Yep i chaned the name by sado request. The name is kinda important as a recognizable mark. Conquest was good coz u fight and conquer territory xD but Border Wars is good too. Im working right now on Eco system, now the game is little unbalanced coz good player always get 'reward' and less skilled player ddint get any progress ( no progress = no change = boring etc ). Im thinking about let player put some houses in their spot every round for weapn/recruits, but still the Eco should be based on how many kills player score and im back to 'no progress'. Or i can do Eco regardless of kills - player at start can build for example "metallurgist" to get more money every round ( money is used to buy houses ), or build weapons crafters, then after 2 next rounds build metallurgist. But it should have something in common with the battlefield and battle gameplay. I have no clue for that :D maybe some 'control points' to be taken over at battlefiled :D but it give me another problem if the one team rules the 4/5 of territory they get great advantage over opponent team and they will win too fast, coz opponent team have no chance to counterattack.

Re: Border Wars

PostPosted: 06 Apr 2014, 14:30
by Tiank
If terrain is ready it's good. I only offered my help, so the map could be ready sooner, cause I like the idea :).

Maybe as a bonus for kills player should get something unique, like a troop of Barbs. Or small troop of Knights, when everyone else could train only Scouts as mounted units. So there's significant advantage, but not that big. You can consider adding Barbs only for one (next) round. There's of course higher chance, that player with Bonus Troops would have most kills again, but on the other hand, he may be the target of all attacks.

I think you should stick with current system, so this map is not too complicated. What you wrote about building houses is a good idea, but I feel, that the game would be very long. Maybe use it for another map...? :)

Re: Border Wars

PostPosted: 06 Apr 2014, 14:36
by RandomLyrics
If terrain is ready it's good. I only offered my help, so the map could be ready sooner, cause I like the idea :).

Maybe as a bonus for kills player should get something unique, like a troop of Barbs. Or small troop of Knights, when everyone else could train only Scouts as mounted units. So there's significant advantage, but not that big. You can consider adding Barbs only for one (next) round. There's of course higher chance, that player with Bonus Troops would have most kills again, but on the other hand, he may be the target of all attacks.

I think you should stick with current system, so this map is not too complicated. What you wrote about building houses is a good idea, but I feel, that the game would be very long. Maybe use it for another map...? :)
Barbs as bonus sounds nice :>
Yep adding houses will extend match time, but it will be easier to balance when eco arrives.

Re: Border Wars

PostPosted: 07 Apr 2014, 08:49
by RandomLyrics
Sry for multipost, iv add some screens/tutorial and some changes :>
- AI
- Eco system (houses)
To Add:
- bonus group from kills
- modifed rank
Ill be waiting on TS (16.00) today to test new version :>

Re: Border Wars

PostPosted: 07 Apr 2014, 08:51
by Skypper
If i have time i will instal TS

Re: Border Wars

PostPosted: 09 Apr 2014, 19:42
by andreus
Nice gamemode. Becomes boring when you defend the castle but still good idea :D

atm troops are spawning at the same point and making traffic jam... what about 10 random points for spawn?