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Re: Discussion Dutch Translation

PostPosted: 03 May 2012, 18:09
by Thorakh
"verpulver gebouw"
"verbouw gebouw"
"annihileer gebouw"
"doe gebouw te niet"
"werp gebouw omver"
"sloop gebouw"
"verdelg gebouw"
"verniel gebouw"
"verwoest gebouw"
"ontmantel gebouw"
"executeer gebouw"


But let's be serious here, 'vernietigen' and 'annuleren' are the best options.

Re: Discussion Dutch Translation

PostPosted: 03 May 2012, 18:15
by Da Revolution
Maak gebouw met de grond gelijk.

Re: Discussion Dutch Translation

PostPosted: 03 May 2012, 18:22
by dicsoupcan
gooi gebouw plat

Re: Discussion Dutch Translation

PostPosted: 06 May 2012, 18:51
by The Dark Lord
The English language does the same, the question is: Do you really want to demolish this building. The choices are Destroy and Cancel not Demolish and Cancel... :s
That's true, but why can't the Dutch translation be better than the English? :mrgreen:

Re: Discussion Dutch Translation

PostPosted: 07 May 2012, 12:46
by Kridge
Haha, I was going to post this, but kept forgetting it...
Just do vernietigen and annuleren. That's simple.

Re: Discussion Dutch Translation

PostPosted: 08 Jun 2012, 22:14
by Vjeetn
I disagree!

I think the word "Slopen" would be better as this is a word that literally means to demolish something. I also think it's the most correct translation according to the "rules".
If you look at blasting companies (who demolish buildings in real life) they will also say "demolish this building" or translated to Dutch "dit gebouw slopen".

Eliminate (elimineren) is indeed used for when you get rid of someone, as in eliminating a player. I wouldn't use this either.

Cancel (annuleren) isn't good in the sense of demolishing. This word is better used for example in computer terms as when you want to cancel an action.
You don't cancel a building, you demolish it ;)
You cancel a subscription, you cancel a program's installation... but you demolish a building.

Destroy (vernietigen) is also good but personally I feel demolish is a better term since we are talking about a structure.
Destroy could be used as in "a missile destroying a tank" whereas you don't say "a missile demolishing a tank" meaning it's only correct to use it when you talk about structures.

PS: if you ever need another Dutch translator (maybe for future additions to the game) I'd be happy to help.

Re: Discussion Dutch Translation

PostPosted: 09 Jun 2012, 03:45
by Lewin
If enough people agree with Vjeetn we'll change it :)
Please discuss it.

Re: Discussion Dutch Translation

PostPosted: 09 Jun 2012, 10:16
by The Dark Lord
I disagree. 'Slopen' is indeed a good word to use when we're talking about destroying a building, but I think it is too informal. It is a word that people in the back streets would say to threaten you ('Ik sloop je man!' *you have to imagine the hand gestures and a possible accent yourself*). :P
I still think 'afbreken' and 'annuleren' would be best.

Re: Discussion Dutch Translation

PostPosted: 09 Jun 2012, 10:24
by Da Revolution
I agree with the Dark Lord

Re: Discussion Dutch Translation

PostPosted: 09 Jun 2012, 11:18
by Lewin
Thanks for the feedback. Is r3392 correct? Because I think it uses the words agreed on in the last discussion.

Re: Discussion Dutch Translation

PostPosted: 09 Jun 2012, 11:21
by The Dark Lord
We were undecided whether it should be 'afbreken' and 'annuleren' or 'vernietigen' and 'annuleren'. Xzaz thought 'vernietigen' is better, I thought 'afbreken' is better. But I can see his point and I can live with 'vernietigen'. ;)

Re: Discussion Dutch Translation

PostPosted: 09 Jun 2012, 11:36
by Vjeetn
The example of "Ik sloop je man!" is something typically used in The Netherlands. In Belgium they don't use that as far as I know.
I still think "slopen" is the correct word according to the dictionary and "rules". Especially if you look at the Wikipedia pages which clearly states slopen is demolishing structural thinks like buildings or cars.

Anyway... whichever is chosen: "Slopen", "Afbreken" or "Vernietigen" is correct and I can live with any of these three.
To cancel the action the word "Annuleren" must be used.

Slopen & Annuleren
Afbreken & Annuleren
Vernietigen & Annuleren

Edited message as I re-thought about the word "Vernietigen" which can also be used and will be understood by any Dutch speaking player.

Re: Discussion Dutch Translation

PostPosted: 09 Jun 2012, 12:35
by Lewin
r3392 is using Vernietigen and Annuleren. I really can't give an opinion on this debate because I don't speak Dutch :P I'll go with the majority, and at the time Vernietigen and Annuleren seemed to have the majority of supporters.

Re: Discussion Dutch Translation

PostPosted: 09 Jun 2012, 14:12
by Vjeetn
Although I don't approve fully I can live with it :)
And like I said, any Dutch speaking person understands the word Vernietigen in the context of buildings.

Re: Discussion Dutch Translation

PostPosted: 09 Jun 2012, 15:03
by Beerzoeper
I don't think 'slopen' is an informal verb. Maybe because it's sometimes used in informal context like TDL says, doesn't make the word unsuitable in KaM. 'Slopen' is the most logic word if you talk about buildings (or other large objects like cars, ships, etc.) 'Vernietigen' can also be used, but in this context, 'slopen' is just better. 'Afbreken' doesn't fit with 'annuleren', because they can mean the same.

There are good lingual reasons for not saying 'de afbreekauto gaat naar de vernietiging' or 'het vernietigingsbedrijf 'Van Vliet & Zn. Vernieting B.V.' kreeg de opdracht tot vernietiging van het vervallen stationsgebouw toegewezen.' 'Bij bedrijf X, gespecialiseerd in afbraakwaar, tikte The Dark Lord voor een zacht prijsje een vernietigingsauto op de kop voor onderdelen'. This sounds like bullshit, there should be written "SLOPEN", just like in the game:)