Rey is possible add 2 AI's more to SP? Will be cool. Keep up good working!
I was just thinking about if there were more AI players (like, if map makers could use triple the amount than they can now), then mapmakers could give players like me more of a challenge without too much more of an effort on their part because it would make "abuse" much more difficult to do, even if the current AI design was not changed at all.
In addition, I remember Esthlos did some magic scripting in the past (maybe it was with TSK 08) where he broke an AI player's army into single leaders. Combine that with a lot of AI players, and you may just put a stop to my "madness".
Consider my 4.5 minute TSK 20 win in r6720 (linked to in my signature). Since I was playing sometimes at 1/15 of normal game speed (if I could have gone slower than that, I would have, but it would break the replay if I did, so I stuck mostly to 1/9 normal game speed to minimize replay breaks and only went down to 1/15 --but no slower--at the most needed times only), my army (as I mentioned in
this post) was pretty much like how an AI could (in theory) control an army. I.e., watch one minute of the replay starting from
this point of my video coverage of that win if you haven't seen it already.
Or how about the following:
If there was a different AI player controlling every group, then this would effectively transform any AI's army into "single groups", where only one group of soldiers would be triggered by decoys at a time and perhaps there could simply be a script which tells all AI players within a certain window frame size to respond to stimuli, should a human player attempt to cross a certain tile, or the like...
Having to script what Esthlos did as to make an army actually split into single leaders (which could tax the CPU).
Perhaps it can be programmed that an single AI barracks can train a troop for different players. (Maybe by technically putting multiple barracks at the same exact location on the map "in code" but not in "game mode".)