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Hacker (Regis)




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Post 28 Mar 2015, 00:13

Hacker (Regis)

There is a hacker on KAM.
First he went by the name of regis, but now he takes anyones name.
First he plays normally for like 15 minutes, but then he counts down and let's the game crash.
He did this to a lot of players already and did it 5 times to me already.
3 hours ago I wanted to play a game. I still haven't because this guy likes to **** up peoples games because he has no life and is probably sadistic, it seems.
Hereby you are warned, asking all of you to come up with a solution to that he can keep changing names and can keep playing KAM being the **** he is.

Sorry for this, but he messes up the game and I think this is a good game and deserves more then no-lifes like him.

Be ware,



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Knights Province Developer

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Post 28 Mar 2015, 09:54

Re: Hacker (Regis)

I have already replied to this in email and kamclub forum.

Please tell us the game crash message. We can not do anything about it unless you give us more details.
Does the game crash in a way that no crashreport can be sent?
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Sword Fighter

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Post 28 Mar 2015, 15:00

Re: Hacker (Regis)

I have already replied to this in email and kamclub forum.

Please tell us the game crash message. We can not do anything about it unless you give us more details.
Does the game crash in a way that no crashreport can be sent?
He probably has its own compiled version of exe or he find out how to send corrupted data that can cause crash

Shouldn't there would be to make server check the kam remake hash of the file to prevent thing like so?

Edit: Check maybe there is something in log


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Knights Province Developer

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Post 28 Mar 2015, 16:59

Re: Hacker (Regis)

Hashes are already compared in a way that cannot be easily hacked and are not visible in open-source code.

So far, we haven't got any suspicious crashreports:

Cannot create file "E:\KaM Remake\KaM_Remake_Settings.ini". Access is denied.
TKMNetUDPScan.ScanForServers (scanning for MP servers list)
TKMTerrainPainter.EditHeight (MapEd crash)
TTaskBuildHouseRepair.Execute (single report)
TUnitActionWalkTo.DecVertex (single report)
We checked that Group is not dead, hence we should have a valid Unit (C:\Projects\KaM Remake Trunk\src\units\KM_UnitGroups.pas, line 832). (single report)
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Moorbach's Guard

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Post 28 Mar 2015, 17:20

Re: Hacker (Regis)

is there any specifik server you are playing on? because i am on a teamspeak right now and i heard rumors the owner crashes the server himself.
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Post 01 Apr 2015, 13:00

Re: Hacker (Regis)

We were playing on LLL servers and then on Ger servers, all were crashed by him, using different names like baratheon, but I know baratheon and it wasn't him.It seems like he is only online at night, not in the evening, and since I haven't been online in the night for a few days I haven't seen him, but I will look at what the report says next time.


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Post 02 Apr 2015, 13:49

Re: Hacker (Regis)

Same situation here. Yesterday about 10 pm we played the game (8 people) and after 20min some guy LAG horrible. He had high ping and FPS 1 (like 750 / 1). We cant play beacause when we try back to lobby and start from pause, he just back with different nick or flag. We played on various Nizgard servers. How we could defend againt him?

Sorry for my english, im Pole.

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