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AI in CO-OP mode ?FIX?



Post 07 Aug 2014, 15:01

AI in CO-OP mode ?FIX?

Hello everyone,

I was playing some co-op maps but after a while the AI starts to attack with an enormous army, they build to fast and there is no way to win. Atleast i tried everything and i know im not the worst player of kam remake. So basically when im about half an hour in the game. they start to attack. Well... i have to build everything from scratch so i only have a really small army by then. i cant work faster then that. and then they just come with that army and wash it all away. Doesnt anybody else has this problem... and if so, isnt there a fix for it??? i would really like to be able to win those maps with my little brother because its hella fun to do :).

Thanks for reading. Kind regards,



Sword Fighter

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Post 07 Aug 2014, 15:10

Re: AI in CO-OP mode ?FIX?

Its co-op you need to co operate with ally to win match you can't do it alone and your skills are not so high as i think
BTW Mod please move to other section this do not match it


Post 07 Aug 2014, 15:22

Re: AI in CO-OP mode ?FIX?

Sorry for posting it in the wrong section (couldnt find the right one)

and yes my skills arent really good , but not the worst either... and yes i know its CO-OP but when both sides get attacked at the same time... you still die of their overwhelming army. It would be alot cooler if u could set a lvl to the AI so that they have a diffecultie (spelled wrong i think xD) like lvl 1 doesnt attack at all (peacefull) lvl 2 doesnt attack often just small armies (patrols) and lvl 3 bigger armies etc...

This could be a really awesome way to train your skill at Kam Remake. and make urself better and better each battle. :) this could be a suggestion (maybe a idea to post it in a new topic


Sword Fighter

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Post 07 Aug 2014, 15:38

Re: AI in CO-OP mode ?FIX?

Thats co-op you must use out smart AI in order to win
Tip player multiplayer or play single player tutorial


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Post 07 Aug 2014, 17:18

Re: AI in CO-OP mode ?FIX?

What co-op map are you playing? Some of them need fixing and are kind of broken now.


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Post 08 Aug 2014, 02:02

Re: AI in CO-OP mode ?FIX?

If the AI is attacking you with a large army in 30 minutes, that's not intended. Coop missions are not supposed to be too hardcore, they're designed for a moderately challenging game against the AI with a friend or two. Many of the coop maps have not been thoroughly tested, so I wouldn't be surprised if there are some issues like this. Which coop map are you playing? We can try to fix it.

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