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patch 1.60 difficulty level


Don Meu


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Post 02 Sep 2011, 11:22

patch 1.60 difficulty level

hi there, just wondering how does this patch modify the difficulty level of the game, harder or easier??
for example, the fact that the fisherman gets two fishes at a time should make the game easier... or not?!


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King Karolus

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Post 03 Sep 2011, 08:44

On the whole, I guess it makes the game a bit more difficult. This is because it fixes a lot of smaller problems with the AI that made many missions easier than they were originally intended to be.

As for the fishing thing, the fisherman now also waits two times as long in his hut between the trips so in the long run you get fish at about the same speed you used to. The only difference now is that fish doesn't run out as fast as it used to.

Don Meu


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Post 04 Sep 2011, 08:30

hey, i just found out that the fisherman gets two fishes even in previous version 1.58 SR2, as provided by GOG, now i dont understand what is the substantial change about him from version 1.60 on?!!...

Don Meu


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Post 16 Oct 2011, 09:40

On the whole, I guess it makes the game a bit more difficult. This is because it fixes a lot of smaller problems with the AI that made many missions easier than they were originally intended to be.
i think the game should be harder. come on, work on it!
As for the fishing thing, the fisherman now also waits two times as long in his hut between the trips so in the long run you get fish at about the same speed you used to. The only difference now is that fish doesn't run out as fast as it used to.
u didnt respond to my past question.. what are the changes about fisherman from version 1.58 SR2 to version 1.60 R7?


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King Karolus

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Post 16 Oct 2011, 10:48

There are no changes in regards to the fisherman in this patch. The only difference is that some more fish has been added to a few missions.

As for the difficulty, many missions are more difficult than they were in the previous version.

Don Meu


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Post 24 Oct 2011, 20:34

There are no changes in regards to the fisherman in this patch. The only difference is that some more fish has been added to a few missions.
if u add fishes, then the game is easier, or am i missing anything?!...
im a hardcore gamer and i want to play it at an insane difficulty level! :)
when u finally release the patch, i hope that u restore the fish to the original values and in some way make the game more difficult!...


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Post 25 Oct 2011, 06:44

Why should we make this patch make the game insanely hard? That will just put off new players if they install it. This patch is designed to fix issues and make improvements without altering the game or difficulty much. This patch is for everyone not just hardcore gamers. Make an "insane difficulty mod" for that.
As for the fish I think they were mainly just added to places that didn't have any or so few that it was hardly worth building a fisherman's hut.

Don Meu


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Post 08 Dec 2011, 09:24

thats it:
im used to play single map (i played only a few missions from the first campaign though) and i believe it should be the most difficult challenge.
anyway i find the game easy, too easy!...
so, if u guys are going to make some fixes, consider to work to make the game more difficult..
i dont say insane, but at least more challenging than the original!...

the idea to add fish to favour the player, is a BAD idea for me!
i would suggest u to reconsider it or i dont think to install the final patch when available!...
ciao 8)


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Post 08 Dec 2011, 12:48

thats it:
im used to play single map (i played only a few missions from the first campaign though) and i believe it should be the most difficult challenge.
anyway i find the game easy, too easy!...
The single maps aren't very challenging because the AI is so stupid. And you cannot judge the campaign on the first few missions. Of course those ones will be easy! They are where new players start at. But later on they get insanely hard, I have never actually won mission 20 (although I haven't tried for a long time) The first missions should not be made harder, they are meant to be a gentle introduction to the game, then the difficultly curve starts to increase.
I suggest you play more than the first few missions before you declare the game is too easy...
so, if u guys are going to make some fixes, consider to work to make the game more difficult..
i dont say insane, but at least more challenging than the original!...
I think the original is challenging enough, the campaigns are certainly no walkover. The single missions can't really be improved because the AI code of the game is very limited. We could give all the players complete villages with tower defences, but that makes them pretty much like the campaigns. Letting the AI build is cool, but they are so bad at it...
But this is a patch not a mod, and completely changing the single missions by giving the AI a complete village wouldn't be appropriate.
If you want challenging single missions, checkout my missions site. ("Smart" is a hard one)
the idea to add fish to favour the player, is a BAD idea for me!
i would suggest u to reconsider it or i dont think to install the final patch when available!...
ciao 8)
The fish was NOT added to favour the player or make the missions easier. The fish was added to make it more consistent between missions. (I think fish might have also been removed from some missions) It doesn't make sense if most missions have say 300 fish but one mission only has 50. (I do not know what the actual numbers are) That would just be confusing the for the player because they would suddenly run out of fish. I think some missions actually had no fish at all, but still allowed you to build the fisherman's hut, which really makes it seem that the creators forgot about it.
Also, adding a few fish to the water doesn't make it a lot easier. The small amount of extra food you get would easily be balanced by the fixes and improvements to the enemy's village/script (e.g. buildings that were not connected to the roads)
As Litude said: This patch makes the game MORE difficult, because it fixes bugs with the AI and script!
i would suggest u to reconsider it or i dont think to install the final patch when available!...
That's your choice and your loss. Enjoy your buggy AI and low quality music :P


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Post 08 Dec 2011, 12:54

ciao 8)
Bye! :D


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