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KaM Remake Economy Demo (ver.090728) buglist



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Knights Province Developer

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Post 30 Jul 2009, 08:41

KaM Remake Economy Demo (ver.090728) buglist

I thought I'd make it public in case there are any bugs we've missed.

Items marked with '+' are dealt with and fixed by now.
Items marked with '?' need to be retested for they were tweaked and may be gone.
Gameplay bugs: +   Tree (cut by woodcutter?) will fall down repeatedly forever +   Mainmenu is not shown on F11 toggle +   Workers forget to build roads sometimes +   Built road comes as unfinished "brown spot" (due to above bug) +   Units should not eat all kinds of food in Inn +   Field building on map edges +   Schoolhouse bug (citizen statistics acts wrong on training/cancel) +   AI won't train enough citizens +   Killing laborer while roadbuilding will cause a crash +   Resource cheat is not strict enough +   Units should return to road first then go eat, home, etc. +   Placing a building plan and removing it, the game returned a "Range check error" +   Coal/gold/iron miners use incorrect radius +   Pause panel is not fullscreen for maximized window +   Game crashes when citizen return home and home is demolished +   Field borders should fade correctly in fog of war +   Citizen is invisible when its home is demolished for some few seconds +   Recruits won't go home if barracks is destroyed and then rebuilt in test mission +   It takes the carpenter only one timber to make a weapon +   Splash screen failed to disappear +   Destroying a house with running deliveries causes UnitSerfHasNoAction errors ?   "979ms   Gameplay error ... done" follows "route unbuilt" error ?   Time freeze bug ?   TUnitAction is being overrun for some reason - error ?   Destroying barracks and unfinished houses results in crash ?   Greyish block around mouse cursor ?   Vertical winefield borders have no edges    Killing a worker while it goes to build a road will cancel the markup and road plan    Viewport scrolling should be smooth    Woodcutter should drop the task if tree is already taken by other woodcutter    Units get stuck on unwalkable tiles    MediaPlayer won't play mp3s and crash    Some texts don't fit in the left panel (e.g. "Preparing house area")    Remove debug info    Fisher    Two monitor config, scrolling works only on 1st display Graphics bugs: ?   Wrong render of houses, black tops    See-through hills (lighting flaw)    Water has dark patches [/quote]
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King Karolus

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Post 30 Jul 2009, 09:15

You forgot the schoolhouse bug, that is if you create a citizen he will already count as being created in the statistics when he is being trained and if you queue up several citizens and then remove them one by one whilst being trained you can make the statistics show negative values.

And there was one thing I forgot to ask, in the build list you have all the TPR buildings at the bottom. Are you going to keep it like this or is it just temporary?


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Post 30 Jul 2009, 09:20

What do you mean with see-through hills?
Something like this?
My stonemason has farmed all the stone and now the terrain looks odd.

Don't know if this a new bug, so i'll post it anyway.


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Post 30 Jul 2009, 09:32

I will be updating the list from time to time..

@Litude: Yep, included the bug into list now.
TPR houses - don't know, we can rearrange them in any pattern easily though.

@Merchator: Yes, thats the bug :) It has 2 parts - first is that stonemason won't flatten the terrain properly and the second is that terrain rendered wrong if higher cliffs are in front of planes (similar to your screen, but not exactly).
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Post 30 Jul 2009, 09:46

There's no time freezing bug and building on the edge bugs (fields unused by farmers, placing plans possible in spite of red X shown) on the list.


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Post 30 Jul 2009, 09:53

Both has been added now. Thx :)
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Post 30 Jul 2009, 10:23

I get some weird block around my mouse cursor in kam, have any idea what it is?
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Post 30 Jul 2009, 11:49

Thats a bug :D
We had it too, but it stopped happening for unknown reason..
Anyway I'll add it to our list now :)

P.S. Codesize reached 640kb :)
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Post 30 Jul 2009, 17:19

When pressing F8 I get returned to a spot at the map. I pressed F8 at about 10 different spots at the map and got returned all the time. And then suddenly the bug stopped.


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King Karolus

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Post 30 Jul 2009, 19:44

I guess I just got the weirdest bug yet. I tasked one of my laborers to build a sawmill and when he reached the point where he was supposed to make an entry road piece the game for whatever reason paused (everything stopped moving). Well no problem with that, pressing F8 resumed the game.

Then when he had finished digging the site for the entry road piece he started demanding stone (?). Once a serf bought him stone he started hitting the ground but no road piece appeared. Well after this he didn't move forward but instead stayed at the same square and the game paused again. After unpausing it the same sequence started over, laborer digging, demanding stone, nothing happens... and the whole sequence just kept on repeating.


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Post 31 Jul 2009, 01:20

I think it's about time someone explains what it means when the whole game freezes, centers you on a location and requires you to press F8 to resume. This is NOT a bug. It is debugging to tell you that a route cannot be made because the tile the unit is standing on is blocked. This primarily happens when units get trapped under a construction site. I'm pretty sure that is what merchant_992 was experiencing. Next time, check at the centre of a screen and see if there is a unit stuck.

As for the bug Litude experienced, that was a combination of two known bugs. Firstly, the labourer abandoned his building task for some reason when the was about the dig the road at a door. This happens for all units and it's cause is unknown. (it is the cause of woodcutter letting trees fall forever and labourers leaving brown, blocked patches)
So he abandoned the task of building the house area and looked for a new task. He was given the task of building road somewhere else. So he tried to walk there, but the route could not be made because he was standing on a house area which cannot be walked on unless he is building it. (sets a special walk type) So it freezed to show you this. When you unfreezed it the labourer's walk action (to go to the road tile needing to be built) had exited so it started on the next phase, digging the road. Even though the labouber was not standing on the right tile, he thought he was so he started digging where he was standing. Then he requested stone, and so on. He had completely forgotten about his original task of building the house area, which is the bug the started it all off. If you look around you will find the tile of road that he THINKS he is building. It will show the digging and the road appearing there.
So it's not a new bug, just a combination of two known bugs. To fix it select the labouber and kill him or remove the house plan.

Thanks for all your reports, we are already making progress fixing these bugs.


Axe Fighter

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Post 01 Aug 2009, 16:23

Ehhh.. Graphic bug nor not?

Exept for that, the demo works fine!!!!! Edit: And great work of course :D

i run Win Vista 32, home premium


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Post 02 Aug 2009, 04:14

Ehhh.. Graphic bug nor not?
Yeah, that's the bug known as "black tops". It happens for some people, depending on your graphics drivers, graphics card model and OpenGL version. We think we know why it happens and it will hopefully be fixed soon. No further information is needed because we can recreate this bug on some of our own computers.
There are also some problems with terrain lighting, which seems to primarily happen on Vista.

Thanks for the report,


Post 02 Aug 2009, 11:41

planning a road and then trying to delete it fails and gives the following pop-up:

Access violation at address 00403FC8 n module 'kam_remake.exe'. Read of address FFFFFFDC.

after that pop-up I can continue to play but the planned road cannot be undone



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Post 02 Aug 2009, 14:51

Lol -36 :lol:
Not a valid pointer usually :)

How did you guys make that happen?

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