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PostPosted: 22 Jul 2009, 21:59
by kamfan

WORKER_FACTOR 01 = Buildings x 10.00 serfs

WORKER_FACTOR 02 = Buildings x 05.00 serfs

WORKER_FACTOR 03 = Buildings x 03.33 serfs

WORKER_FACTOR 04 = Buildings x 02.50 serfs

WORKER_FACTOR 05 = Buildings x 02.00 serfs

WORKER_FACTOR 06 = Buildings x 01.66 serfs

WORKER_FACTOR 07 = Buildings x 01.42 serfs

WORKER_FACTOR 08 = Buildings x 01.25 serfs

WORKER_FACTOR 09 = Buildings x 01.11 serfs

WORKER_FACTOR 10 = Buildings x 01.00 serfs

WORKER_FACTOR 11 = Buildings x 00.90 serfs

WORKER_FACTOR 12 = Buildings x 00.83 serfs

WORKER_FACTOR 13 = Buildings x 00.76 serfs

WORKER_FACTOR 14 = Buildings x 00.71 serfs

WORKER_FACTOR 15 = Buildings x 00.66 serfs

WORKER_FACTOR 16 = Buildings x 00.62 serfs

WORKER_FACTOR 17 = Buildings x 00.58 serfs

WORKER_FACTOR 18 = Buildings x 00.55 serfs

WORKER_FACTOR 19 = Buildings x 00.52 serfs

WORKER_FACTOR 20 = Buildings x 00.50 serfs


When i take Worker_Factor 01 and the AI Player have 15 Buildings, he train 150 Serfs. ( 15 x 10.00 = 150 serfs )

When i take Worker_Factor 20 and the AI Player have 15 Buildings, he train 7 Serfs. ( 15 x 00.50 = 7.500 ~ 7 serfs )


PostPosted: 23 Jul 2009, 04:50
by Krom
Sorry, I don't quite understand the formula with 2 equal symbols.. Can you write it the other way and with couple of examples please?

PostPosted: 23 Jul 2009, 05:22
by harold
I don't really get it either..
so I interpreted it as:

WORKER_FACTOR 1: #serfs = 11 * #buildings
WORKER_FACTOR 2: #serfs = 6 * #buildings
WORKER_FACTOR 3: #serfs = 4.3 * #buildings
WORKER_FACTOR 4: #serfs = 3.5 * #buildings
WORKER_FACTOR 5: #serfs = 3 * #buildings


PostPosted: 23 Jul 2009, 08:22
by Krom
Maybe it's:
Count = per_building + 10/Factor ?

At least formula fits well

PostPosted: 23 Jul 2009, 08:50
by Merchator
Well, this list has confused me at first aswell.
But in the end it's quite simple.

Factor 1 means the AI trains 10 serfs per Building.
Factor 2 means the AI trains 5 serfs per Building.
and so on...

With Factor 1 and 10 buildings in your village you will have 100 serfs, a pretty large amount.
With Factor 10 each building "gets" one serf, so you will have 10 at the end.

PostPosted: 23 Jul 2009, 09:36
by merchant_992
Is this stuff changeable? Is this the way for preventing that the enemy is starving? Are these set Factor for each building or can you change it each mission?

PostPosted: 15 Aug 2009, 07:42
by The Dark Lord
Ah this is very useful, thanks a lot.

@Merchant: You can set it for each player.

PostPosted: 22 Aug 2009, 23:40
by kamfan
@ The Dark Lord first person with thankfull response
thank you. This may caused problems in your campain.
since worker factor 3 is already too much. if you have set 60
buildings and choose worker factor 3, 2 or 1 you get 600
servs! look at 6 enemys, yep, with thousands of troops plus
600 servs each.. drunken bug seriously.
dont forget that the amount drops with each destroyed building

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2010, 15:17
by kamfan
Hello there,
hence the old list was out dated. Here is a new list:

WORKER_FACTOR 01 = Buildings * 10.00 serfs

WORKER_FACTOR 02 = Buildings * 05.00 serfs

WORKER_FACTOR 03 = Buildings * 03.33 serfs

WORKER_FACTOR 04 = Buildings * 02.50 serfs

WORKER_FACTOR 05 = Buildings * 02.00 serfs

WORKER_FACTOR 06 = Buildings * 01.66 serfs

WORKER_FACTOR 07 = Buildings * 01.42 serfs

WORKER_FACTOR 08 = Buildings * 01.25 serfs

WORKER_FACTOR 09 = Buildings * 01.11 serfs

WORKER_FACTOR 10 = Buildings * 01.00 serfs

WORKER_FACTOR 11 = Buildings * 00.90 serfs

WORKER_FACTOR 12 = Buildings * 00.83 serfs

WORKER_FACTOR 13 = Buildings * 00.76 serfs

WORKER_FACTOR 14 = Buildings * 00.71 serfs

WORKER_FACTOR 15 = Buildings * 00.66 serfs

So an example:

When you take Worker Factor 1 and the AI player has 15 buildings he train 150 serfs! ( 15 * 10 = 150 serfs )


When you take Worker Factor 15 and the AI player has 15 buildings he train 9 serfs! ( 15 * 0.66 = 9.99 ~ 9 serfs )

I hope this helps ; )

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2010, 18:52
by Tomo2008
Very interesting, will help a lot.

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2010, 20:50
by harold
Does it work for more than 15? If not, what happens if you try? (for "quirks mode" backwards compatibility)

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2010, 21:05
by kamfan
Harold: Yes you could possible go infinite. At some point you will always have 0.000.... serfs per building.

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2010, 21:17
by harold
Doesn't it stop at 255 or 32768 or 65535 or something like that?

And would it be 0 at (and above) 1001? because 10 / 1001 is 0.00999[etc] - in other words, 1001 is the first number for which 10/x is lower than 0.01, and in your table are only things with 2 digits after the decimal point, so I would guess that 10/1001 would be rounded down to zero.

Oh and one more thing, what happens if you don't set it, does it use a reasonable default value?

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2010, 21:49
by H.A.H.
there is no limit, but if you set at 99999, you would need 10000 buildings for 1 serv, so yea hehe.
If you set 0 or nothing, the game will crash.

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2010, 22:06
by harold
Ok, thanks, and if you don't put any !WORKER_FACTOR at all?