Lance Carrier
Posts: 66
Joined: 13 Oct 2012, 21:42
KaM Skill Level: Expert
Location: Нижний Новгород
The First tournament 4vs4 in Kam community
2. Send screenshots to Mercenary on Skype, Teamspeak, or on the forum in the special topic
3. Towers limit: one player can build maximum 6 towers. If you will have 7 or more, and the enemy will prove it, you will get a warning, 3 warnings = technical defeatagainst one team.For example: if two players from one team violated the towers limit in one game, it’s two warnings (no technical defeat yet). If three or more players from the same team violated the tower limit, the team loses by technical defeat. Another example: if in first game, your team gets two warnings, and in next game one warning – then your team has three warnings in general, and gets a technical defeat in the second game.
A player will not get a warning, if he destroys enough towers before peacetime, to not break the limit.
4. Maps:
a) Banning system: every team will ban 3 maps. The team that was in lower “drawing basket” can choose if they want to choose the side (locations) or ban the fourth map (so if your team chooses the side, the enemy will ban the last map).
b) The team that was in a lower “drawing basket” bans the map first.
Iron gold(loc 1287vs3456)(version RMT5)
Hatefuls(1238vs 4567)
The Final Frontier(original To version) (1234 vs 5678)
Eruption 8p(1245 vs 6783)
Nibany Basin version 7.7(1234 vs 5678)
A War of Justice(original)( 1234 vs5678
Rich land(1238 vs 4567)
New Horizon(1234 vs 5678)
5. The drawing and the tournament system:
There are three (for 12 teams) or four (for more teams) “drawing baskets”: the best 4 teams are chosen for the first basket, the next 4 best teams are in the second basket etc. The choice of best teams is subjective, and done by the tournament organizers.
There will be four groups. Every group will have 1 team from every drawing basket. The teams will be drawn randomly on a livestream. In group stage, team gets two points for a win. Two teams from every group will advance to the quarterfinals. The cup stage of the tournament will work in the single elimination system. The final will best of 3 the 3rd place games will be “best of 3”.
replacements can work between clan teams
6. Every team can have up to 2 players on their replacements list. Player who is already in a different team (whether on main or replacement list) can’t be used for replacements! Exception: a clan team can take a player from the replacement list of another team from the same clan.
7. Peacetime: 60 minutes. Speed: x1.5 or x1. Pause: not more than 5 minutes.
7.About registration:
All players that can create a team of 4 players can play. Is not restriction of clan or non clan.
You can do team of 4 players:
- Only clan members (example 4 members of RA)
- Non clan players - (ex:Gonzo Marcin SWAT somebody else)
- Mix - combination between clan members and non clan (ex: Kunger, Swat, Bold, Stefan The Great)
8.the timing of the tournament: start 15 April, -finish, depends on the team and organize and etc.
9.About replace: every team can have 2 players to replace, their nicknames they should write it in the application.
List of teams:
2.Team R.A 2(XoJloDeLL Skeletor David Stalin)
3. Team R.A 3(Kin got Hill Butters weekend,Harry replace:bge)
4.Team R.A 4( Franco Black Pearl, Abjab,Laky replacement simke)
5. Team ^_^ (Asso. Ferz. Gulliver, Gollem)
6.Team GW(Paulina, Sado, Mithrellas, Tomixx;REPLACE:Bercik,Rinhamus)
7. The Great(Regis Ewa Essman Vieto; Replace: Bartek)
8.[300FPS] team:(Mex T John Rambo Matteusz AKA browaar Mex B
Replacements:Jaskinia trolliEnco M)
9.Team FACEROLL( Centurion,Dima (D..),Destah^,Raketa.)
10. Team The Great 2:Jeronimo Stefan[TheGreat] Martin[TheGreat] Cytla;Replacements:Firo
11.Team [E*]S(Jack Bullet Boss Stocky)
12.Team [Beer] :Mr. Fu Razor Zatoara kungen;Replacements [Beer]Daan
Result by draw: