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New 2 players campaign - Co-op Knights II




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Joined: 03 Apr 2021, 04:49

KaM Skill Level: Veteran

Post 03 Apr 2021, 05:12

Re: Co-op Knights II - new two players campaign

Has anyone passed level 11 yet?
Well... level 11 in unplayable to me and my friend. We have beaten all other missions long time ago, but last mission is extremely laggy. We both have a very powerful computers, yet it's hard to even scroll the map. Has anyone encountered that? If so, what could I do to make it playable? I would love to finish the campaign as I really enjoy it.
Does the map lagging all the time or at certain intervals? Sometimes lagging helps with server switching, I don't know why but it's worth a try. I personally tested all the maps 3-5 times and then lagging happened from time to time. Mission 11 was played through at least three times and lagging was no problem for us.

Nice to hear that you liked my campaign. I've done a third campaign for three years, maybe I can get it finished this year :D

Waiting for third part

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Post 29 Apr 2021, 17:29

Re: New 2 players campaign - Co-op Knights II

Is it any updates on the third compaign?

I’ve already been working on my third campaign for 2.5 years, but it’s still in progress. Maybe I’ll keep doing it at some point. (H)

Here is a special character image from mission four:
4. kenttä_numerointi+hyökkäykset_valmis.JPG
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- Try my two player campaign: Co-op Knights I viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2877
- Try my two player campaign: Co-op Knights II viewtopic.php?f=5&t=3400


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KaM Remake Developer

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Post 16 Feb 2022, 09:08

Re: Co-op Knights II - new two players campaign

Has anyone passed level 11 yet?
Well... level 11 in unplayable to me and my friend. We have beaten all other missions long time ago, but last mission is extremely laggy. We both have a very powerful computers, yet it's hard to even scroll the map. Has anyone encountered that? If so, what could I do to make it playable? I would love to finish the campaign as I really enjoy it.
Does the map lagging all the time or at certain intervals? Sometimes lagging helps with server switching, I don't know why but it's worth a try. I personally tested all the maps 3-5 times and then lagging happened from time to time. Mission 11 was played through at least three times and lagging was no problem for us.

Nice to hear that you liked my campaign. I've done a third campaign for three years, maybe I can get it finished this year :D
Lags caused by extensive logging about unability to make a path for barbarians and warriors at the guys at the top right of the map, log could get tens of megabytes...:


On the beta version mission don't lag at all (no much logging there).

But its possible to fix the campaign on r6720 too. You have to spawn barbarians when last storehouse is destroyed.

I've made a fix for that (deleted those barbs in the MapEd and spawn them in the script instead, when last barracks are destroyed by the script).
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