Done. MAybe in a very row form but an easy playable script.
I got a table about the strengh of unit from MrFU and i noticed this could not be imba and could get economicaly okay situtions also.
The prices and strenght nearly would matched well. So I checked 4-5scripts how coud it be and combinating them.
Easy to spam? Yes of course, but do not forget the gold production and that these units basicly doesnt have defence and defence bonus, only The halfbody guy with doubledaxe has one defence point. So i have milities feeling to training these units.
worry about
-Rouge can shut a bit faster- but he is without leather jacket so can move faster and has zero defence which means one hit one death.

-Rebel can hit huge vs mounted troops - Need huge mass from what is waste of gold as like in the militie case...I ve seen melting rebels vs knights (9 for 1 trade gg.).they are not really enough vs well armored tunits.
-Warrior - it can fit nicely. It has iron image. 2 swords+1armor. Has less defence and more attackpoints than swordman. But harder to make mass knights with mass warrior economicaly. Actually I would make warriors+some xbows+bows+scouts mostly if the cost be 2 swords+1armor.
-Vagabond- it has fun imo, waste horses of milites:D good for losing him at scout phase.
Anyway implementing them into the barrack on this way seems nice idea because could be there alternative strategy way when the player is out of leather but still has lance or bow and recruit or when the player decide to go for iron only strategy mostly with ironmeele then can train some ranged as rouge.
Personaly I've tried to described many times why Swordman+knights+bowman is the easiest and maybe the strongest strategy. Can say lots of depends from the map and from the situation. of course. But making mass Xbow+pike spam need larger economy which needs more invests into than SW+KN+BO. The whole XB+PI thing needs more gold more citizens, still coalfield depleting faster and sometimes the PT army is also a bit weaker and still harder to feed the whole economy, and playing without mounted is risky. harder to clean up the enemy group of bows. ...I'm sure Jeronimo could talk about this gameplay a lot.

(actually I've never beat him. ...yet.

This kind of barrack could give a nice alternative where scout could be back with Xbows. The warrior hit larger but has less shield than swordman and their costs are the same, economicaly a bit different the iron making part(would need two weaponry+1rmory). Spamming knight is way harder when somebody is going for warrior. Spamming knights mean-> need a second ironarmory or reduce number of the xbows and /or of the warriors.
Maybe weird but Warrior with scout could be matchable with Sword+knights?!
The mass leather would be the same at each strategy.( SW+KN+BO game ; WA+SC+BO+Rouge).
Of course need lots of tests to experience this thing but as use to say more units more ways more fun and harder prediction who and what unit will train in a game.