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Server connection issue




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Joined: 12 Sep 2014, 10:18

KaM Skill Level: Beginner

Post 21 Oct 2015, 14:45

Server connection issue

Dear readers,

First of all, I am not sure if this is a bug or somthing to do with things on my side.
Some time ago I wanted to host a server as I wanted to do something for the community.
I managed to install/run it and it worked fine.

But what I mean with fine, is that players can join and play a game to their liking and both ping and game experience are good.
But after some time the server is running, it seems that it loses connection to the internet, even though it does not give an error message or any indication that it is malfunctioning.

I posted a topic about this some time ago but at that time I did not pursue the matter any further.
I am wondering if any of you have experienced the same problem.
If any of you would need more details to further determine the cause of the problem then tell me what you need to know.


I have done some further searching and it seems someone else has had the same problem, but the thread does not show a solutuion. ... et+by+peer


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Post 10 Dec 2015, 15:20

Re: Server connection issue

Hello noob, (Had to do it)
Are you 100% sure that you have a stable LAN with a good router that isn't scared of some traffic?
Mainly a normal home-user Asus or Cyberlink or what-ever should be enough.

One thing to note is that it is highly recommended to provide servers with a static IP address.
If you are confident about your server's security measures you could even put it in a DMZ(Demilitarized zone) so your router won't interfere with your server's network connections.
Then you can change the server's firewall to the requirements.

Then one should take note that you might have both a router and a modem.
If that is the case then please do check if your modem has a firewall, 90% of the time they do, actually, have an enabled firewall.
If you can not configure your modem you should contact your ISP and request them either to do it for you or to give you the ability to do it yourself.
(While you are at it, also ask them about the ports they block by default on their side, mine for example blocks just port 25 and about every port that has something to do with file-sharing, RDP and AD-services, I need to use their relay agent to host mail servers.)

If all this did not solve the issue then you might first want to check and see if the network drivers are failing, a clean driver install hardly ever hurt.
Maybe the issue lies in the cables or a loose/poor quality connector.

If all this is fine and dandy then something might be wrong in the code or there is an incompatibility between the libraries used for the network handling and the hardware or something else(Faulty RAM?).

Generally I would avoid hosting anything on hardware that is not server-graded, so it has error detection and correction in the RAM, a slightly under-clocked CPU for improved stability etc. but that is, of course, a personal taste.

Sorry for the long bit of text there.
If anything helped to solve your issues, please do post it so others might just have to read this post to be able to fix their issues, it also helps the dev team.
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Posts: 12

Joined: 12 Sep 2014, 10:18

KaM Skill Level: Beginner

Post 16 Dec 2015, 19:05

Re: Server connection issue

Hello, thanks for replying,
nobody else has...

I just wanted to quickly reply but I must say I just read your reply and did not do anything with your information yet.
I do have something to say regarding stable connection and static ip connection things you mentioned.
I just played halo pc 16/16 on a server I host aswel (played for a few hours) so im pretty sure it is not that.
Also I am able to host TeamSpeak 3 while playing either KAM and/or Halo so the internet should be good.

Also, the problem usually occurs when the last players leaves the server. Can alsways play several hours on the KAM server with friends without problems. But as soon as the last person leaves it get the error.

I have a modem and router in one.
I have added todays log it might help you help me :)

PS: you can call me Noob (im used to it)

Again, thanks for replying

Timestamp Elapsed Delta Description
Date: 2015-12-16
04:03:43.541 0,050s 50ms Log is up and running. Game version: r6720
04:03:43.541 0,051s 1ms Dedicated server event handler created
04:03:43.543 0,053s 1ms Using protocol for clients running r6720
04:03:43.583 0,092s 38ms Game settings loaded from KaM_Remake_Settings.ini
04:03:43.635 0,145s 52ms Server: Listening on port 56789
07:25:23.893 12100,403s 12100257ms Server: Client timed out 277
07:25:27.895 12104,405s 4001ms Server: Client timed out 278
07:27:38.896 12235,406s 131000ms Server: Client timed out 282
07:28:31.897 12288,406s 53000ms Server: Client timed out 284
07:29:52.897 12369,406s 80999ms Server: Client timed out 292
08:28:06.795 15863,305s 3493898ms Server: Client timed out 385
08:28:15.800 15872,310s 9004ms Server: Client timed out 387
08:47:47.679 17044,189s 1171878ms Server: Client 431 has connected to room 0
08:47:47.681 17044,191s 1ms Server: Host rights assigned to 431
08:47:56.477 17052,987s 8795ms Server: Client 431 has disconnected
09:11:58.599 18495,109s 1442121ms Server: Client 512 has connected to room 0
09:11:58.601 18495,111s 1ms Server: Host rights assigned to 512
09:12:01.000 18497,510s 2398ms Server: Client 512 has disconnected
09:53:34.252 20990,762s 2493251ms Server: ClientDisconnect. Error: Connection aborted (#10053)
11:08:09.537 25466,046s 4475283ms Server: Client 878 has connected to room 0
11:08:09.540 25466,049s 2ms Server: Host rights assigned to 878
11:12:58.421 25754,931s 288881ms Server: Client 884 has connected to room 0
11:15:46.532 25923,041s 168109ms Server: Client 893 has connected to room 0
11:16:18.215 25954,725s 31683ms Server: Client 893 has disconnected
11:16:37.657 25974,166s 19440ms Server: Client 896 has connected to room 0
11:18:56.628 26113,138s 138971ms Server: Client 902 has connected to room 0
11:39:55.220 27371,730s 1258590ms Server: Client 896 has disconnected
11:41:23.523 27460,032s 88301ms Server: Client 902 has disconnected
11:45:14.326 27690,835s 230801ms Server: Client 960 has connected to room 0
11:46:44.467 27780,977s 90140ms Server: Client 963 has connected to room 0
11:50:40.519 28017,029s 236051ms Server: Client 963 has disconnected
11:50:45.324 28021,833s 4803ms Server: Client 982 has connected to room 0
11:50:47.920 28024,430s 2596ms Server: Client 960 has disconnected
11:51:04.099 28040,609s 16178ms Server: Client 982 has disconnected
11:51:46.665 28083,174s 42564ms Server: ClientDisconnect. Error: Connection aborted (#10053)
11:54:42.342 28258,852s 175677ms Server: Client 999 has connected to room 0
11:54:59.541 28276,051s 17198ms Server: Client 999 has disconnected
11:56:11.111 28347,620s 71567ms Server: Client 1006 has connected to room 0
11:56:27.992 28364,501s 16880ms Server: Client 1006 has disconnected
11:57:49.503 28446,013s 81511ms Server: Client 884 has disconnected
12:03:20.330 28776,839s 330824ms Server: Client 1032 has connected to room 0
12:03:49.952 28806,461s 29621ms Server: Client 1039 has connected to room 0
12:05:15.232 28891,741s 85278ms Server: Client 1039 has disconnected
12:05:23.592 28900,102s 8359ms Server: Client 1050 has connected to room 0
12:06:19.385 28955,895s 55792ms Server: Client 1054 has connected to room 0
12:06:29.333 28965,843s 9947ms Server: Client 1054 has disconnected
12:08:58.647 29115,156s 149311ms Server: Client timed out 1032
12:08:58.650 29115,159s 2ms Server: Client 1032 has disconnected
12:09:08.129 29124,639s 9479ms Server: Client 1093 has connected to room 0
12:09:10.169 29126,679s 2039ms Server: Client 1094 has connected to room 0
12:09:16.317 29132,826s 6146ms Server: Client 1094 has disconnected
12:09:17.912 29134,421s 1586ms Server: Client 1093 has disconnected
12:14:26.074 29442,583s 308161ms Server: Client 1137 has connected to room 0
12:14:26.325 29442,834s 249ms Server: Client 1137 has disconnected
12:14:28.600 29445,110s 2267ms Server: Client 1138 has connected to room 0
12:14:28.858 29445,367s 256ms Server: Client 1138 has disconnected
12:20:41.940 29818,449s 373081ms Server: Client 1169 has connected to room 0
12:20:42.288 29818,797s 347ms Server: Client 1169 has disconnected
12:27:20.557 30217,067s 398269ms Server: Client 1202 has connected to room 0
12:27:20.757 30217,267s 199ms Server: Client 1202 has disconnected
13:01:08.155 32244,664s 2027396ms Server: Client 1050 has disconnected
13:01:31.648 32268,157s 23492ms Server: Client timed out 1396
13:01:50.353 32286,863s 18705ms Server: ClientDisconnect. Error: Connection aborted (#10053)
13:02:07.648 32304,157s 17293ms Server: Client timed out 1403
13:02:30.697 32327,206s 23048ms Server: Client 878 has disconnected
13:08:48.784 32705,293s 378086ms Server: Client timed out 1441
13:13:46.815 33003,324s 298030ms Server: Client timed out 1475
13:41:06.434 34642,944s 1639619ms Server: Client 1709 has connected to room 0
13:41:06.437 34642,947s 2ms Server: Host rights assigned to 1709
13:46:34.644 34971,154s 328207ms Server: Client 1709 has disconnected
13:56:03.110 35539,619s 568464ms Server: ClientDisconnect. Error: Connection reset by peer (#10054)
20:02:57.825 57554,334s 22014715ms Interrupt received, shutting down server...
20:02:57.827 57554,336s 1ms Stopped listening
20:02:57.832 57554,341s 1ms Server destroyed

Nibo The Destroyer

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Posts: 102

Joined: 25 Feb 2015, 22:04

KaM Skill Level: Skilled

Post 16 Dec 2015, 19:25

Re: Server connection issue

I'm sorry bro. I'm sure everybody wants to help but like me, i dont have knowledge of this stuff.
There is a select group of people here who can tell u exactly what to do perhaps but for some others it's just a guessing game.

Now if you'd like some relationship advice or something. Thats something i can help u with. Because i screwed up so many relationships i can tell u exactly what NOT to do :D Haha no just kidding i hope u can work it out with your server problems. Just not in my alley.
Et ego vici



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Joined: 12 Sep 2014, 10:18

KaM Skill Level: Beginner

Post 17 Dec 2015, 06:39

Re: Server connection issue

Thanks man :)

In a relationship for almost 5 yrs now so don't need help with that haha.
I do like to know what the other people hosting a server do different than me.

So if anyone has a server that does not have this problem please contact me aswel.


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