Doesn't sound like a bad idea but I don't think we should be attempting to rewrite the whole game either.

I know. But a few of these things look really bad me and should be changed.
Anyways some of my suggestions:
Fisher's hut -> Fisherman's hut
Townhall -> Town hall
Vehicles workshop -> Siege workshop
(Doesn't a vehicle mean some modern stuff like cars etc.?)
Ok, they all look fine to me. Yes, vehicle mean cars, trucks, etc. I have never heard it used for siege equipment before. (technically vehicle can mean anything on wheels but I don't think it's a good word to use) Some people might object to this change as it is quite major, but I am all for it.
Here is my list of mistakes: First is index, next is the current string, last is what I think it should be. Strings with question marks are ones that I'm not sure should be changed, because they are so fundamental to the game.
- 101 - Troups - Troops
- 102 - Troups and buildings - Troops and buildings
- 7 - Fisher's hut - Fisherman's hut
- 19 - Townhall - Town hall
- 24 - Vehicles workshop - Siege workshop
- 25 - Butcher's - Butchery - ???
- 59 - Iron armament - Iron armor - ??? (armament means weapon I think)
- 102 "The miner gets ore from the coal, iron and gold mines." - "The miner mines ore from the coal, iron and gold mines." - (gets is a very unofficial word and doesn't look good in this situation)
- 103 - "In the swine and horse breeding centers, the animal breeder raises the animals using corn." - "The animal breeder raises animals in the swine farm and stables using corn." - (rearranged to make it sound better in English, and changed breeding centers)
- 104 - "The farmer plants and harvests corn on the farm. He also presses wine in the vineyard." - "The farmer plants and harvests corn on the farm. He also produces wine in the vineyard." - (presses sounds a bit strange)
- 105 - "The carpenter works in the sawmill, the weapons workshop and in the armory workshop. In addition the carpenter builds catapults and ballistas in the vehicles workshop." - "The carpenter works in the sawmill, the weapons workshop and the armory workshop. In addition, the carpenter builds catapults and ballistas in the siege workshop." - (apparently the plural of ballista is ballistae, but that sounds really weird so I used balistas)
- 106 - "The baker bakes bread in the bakery. He also makes flour out of corn in the windmill." - "The baker bakes bread in the bakery. He also makes flour out of corn in the mill." (it's not really called the windmill, and that may confuse people)
- 107 - "The butcher makes sausages in the butcher's and leather in the tannery." - "The butcher makes sausages in the butchery and leather in the tannery." (sounds really weird with the butcher in the butcher's, so I changed it to butchery, a better word)
- 108 - "The fisher catches fishes in nearby water bodies." - "The fisherman catches fish in nearby water bodies. The fish will eventually run out, so don't over fish." - (fishes is NOT a proper word. Leave out the bit about over fishing if you like, but I really think it should be explained somewhere)
- 112 - "The metallurgist manufactures gold chests and steel from gold and iron ore." - "The metallurgist manufactures gold and steel from gold and iron ore." (Gold is not called gold chests in the game, and I think it sounds a bit strange like that. Just gold is fine)
- 113 - "The recruit can be equipped out as a soldier in the castle. He also occupies the guard tower." - "The recruit can be equipped as a soldier in the barracks. He also occupies the watch tower." (out is unnecessary)
- 191 - "Extremely bright" - "Brightest"
- 263 - "Start attack." - "Charge" (start attack doesn't really explain what this command does. I like change, since that's what they do!)
- 265 & 270 - "Withdraw line." - "Remove line." (to me withdraw means retreat)
- 287 - "New alliances are made." - "New alliances have been made." (don't know if this is still a used message. Also, my version may not fit as it is a bit longer)
- 294 - "The fisher cannot catch more fishes." - "Your fisherman cannot catch any more fish." - (all the other messages refer to them as "your" not "the", so I changed it. The whole message sounded wrong so I changed it a bit.)
- 296 - "This troop is really hungry, they better get something to eat real soon!" - "This troop is hungry, you'd better give them something to eat soon!" - (real soon sound too American, and it's incorrect grammar anyway. I changed it to "you'd" as they don't feed them selfs do they?)
- 301 - "To distribution of boards" - "To distribution of timber" (it's not called boards anywhere else, so why should it be here?)
- 302 - "Board distribution" - "Timber distribution"
- 305 - "Please enter message text:" - "Please enter message:" (text makes it sound poorly translated)
Tutorial text: (original messages not shown. Some of these were REALLY bad grammar so these are one of the most important things to change)
- 500 - "From time to time your citizens must eat. For this, you must construct an inn. Be sure to make the inn central, so it is easily accessible for all villagers."
- 501 - "You'll need a schoolhouse to train new units. Make sure you always have enough gold in the storehouse for this."
- 502 - "You need stones for further house and road construction. Build a quarry near a supply of stone. Then you must train a stonemason who will produce your new building material. Near the water you should also build a fisherman's hut."
- 503 - "You don't just need stones to build houses and roads, but also timber. The woodcutter fells and plants trees which are then processed in the sawmill. Always build the woodcutter's hut near forest." (woods is a very English (UK) term, forest is more generic)
- 504 - "Now you need to construct a sawmill to process the tree trunks which the Woodcutter has felled. After doing that, you should train a carpenter to work in the sawmill."
- 506 - "Roughly 16 fields should be laid out for the farmer, as near as possible to the farm itself. Now you have to construct a mill to process the corn you harvest." (I think the mill must have originally been called the windmill, otherwise why all these messages calling it that?)
- 510 - ??? Whatever you decided to make it. I have already suggested to you what it could be. I should defiantly mention building weapon producing buildings. Let me know once you've decided and I'll check it for you.
(A bit longer than your list eh?

I removed all formatting like new lines and non-breaking spaces. (you'll have to change them a bit anyway) If there are any of these that you disagree with please let me know and explain why. Also, some of these may be fixed already. For some reason I didn't think of installing SR3b2 before doing this

. (I do have ELP 4 I think) I think I've got them all, I checked every string. (I think...)
Hope this all helps, makes you realise how many mistakes there are!
P.S. Any further English queries? I would really like to help as I see this patch as one of the most important things for KaM right now.