..and I only saw the very end of "no losses" win:/ Eh.. how do you do that guys
Correction: I appear to be the only one with a desire to lose 0 troops. (Maybe I am the only one who dares to try.)
I had a lot of trouble producing this 0 loss replay as opposed to the other two in my signature and my TSK mission 0 loss replays (they are in
this post) because the replay broke at about 5 different points in the game, and I had to go and redo those sections to make a full-working replay.
It's all in the replay. If you pay close attention to the small details, it should be quite obvious what you need to do. You simply need to duplicate my methods and be as determined as
The Terminator was to kill Sarah Connor. By doing so, you will win without losing any units.
I went through the trouble of making a full-working replay for you to see how it can be done (and also to see if it can be done, out of curiosity)...just watch it.

If you still have questions after watching the replay a few times, just ask a specific question for a specific point in the game time, and I will explain my play.
Lastly, having a 0 loss win in a long game also obviously means that you know how to build a city which can feed your villagers and troops as well, so you can take a look at how I handled feeding all units...I had several close calls at the first feeding time.
This would have been a lot easier to achieve if the human player's initial army wasn't so LARGE, but I managed to have every mouth fed.

Complaining about starting with too many soldiers... :p
Vortamic was a similar situation, but at least I could build a market and trade for food. But you're right, I too never thought there would be a day when I appreciated fewer troops...if you watch the replay, you will see that I only used most (but not all) of the iron troops and all of the bowmen. The rest I just had on the side consuming food.
New beaten mission from cmowla... I'm starting to think about making some new challenging mission for you.
That sounds exciting, but I won't hold you to it. If you find the time and have the desire, however, I have no objections!
Skypper made a build and fighting map (which I don't believe has been made public) in which had a script produce new reinforcements throughout the entire game. On my second try, I won his map without reloading saves, but it was really difficult to beat (at least in a decent amount of time) without reloading saves because destroying buildings and killing serfs was not the stop of new spawning troops.
I think a very hard map for me would be a combination of your impeccable defense in Two Sides (which you know I won without reloading saves) combined with a dynamic script to produce a lot of troops. That is, the AI should have both a very strong defense and very strong offense. As an analogy, "for every head I cut off, you need to form two new ones". You can see in my Lava Valley replay that Andreus implemented a decent offense, but his defense is as poor as TSK20's. Your Two Sides' defense is excellent, and your offense is pretty good, but not the absolute best.
Perhaps you can simply add a dynamic script in Two Sides to produce even more troops than your towns do and have them attack me twice as often or something to perfect the offense (and perhaps program spawned xbows to attack the nearest troop instead of attacking a certain building). (This of course would be a custom map for me, as I don't think anyone else would have the stomach to play it.)