Up to 60 60, anyone?

I haven't achieved 60 60 yet, but I have good reason to believe that
80 80 in one hour is possible in TSK 14 (without building on the dense coal).
As I did in the past with my TSK 20 quick wins, I am merely posting this to exert some seriously needed pressure on myself to achieve this feat of 80 80 in one hour (this of course means to have 160 recruits in the barracks, along with the weapons and armor, for those who haven't followed this thread). I believe
this quote from the Shawshank Redemption film pretty much sums up achieving anything which requires hard work.
Why do I think 80 80 in one hour for TSK 14's building location possible?
My spreadsheet is finally finished. (One needs to have Microsoft Excel 2007 or newer installed on his or her machine in order to use it. It has Macros, so having access to Microsoft Office products online is not enough to use all of its features.). It has become a sophisticated piece of software that is very easy to use. It, along with me constructing numerous plans for this location, has given me insight that "we've been playing around" with building in this game.
When I achieve at least 70 70 in TSK 14, I will make a video about my spreadsheet, using my TSK 14 build as an example. But I will try to go for 80 80 and settle with 70 70 (or anything above 70 70 but below 80 80) if I have to.
Currently my spreadsheet/software does not have woodcutters, quarries or food buildings integrated into it, but that can change if there is a demand for it. (Very doubtful though, considering that woodcutters are probably the most complicated building to approximate and I am not aware of any building challenges which aim to produce food instead of an army.)
I am also posting this ahead of time to give someone a chance to "beat me to it", because I figure if someone else can do this without my spreadsheet then maybe all I did was just
Otherwise, maybe I "invented the automobile" instead.
I guess time will tell.
FYI to all who have followed this thread in the past. Wish me luck, and good luck to all those who want to participate!
And this is for r6720. If you want to use Rey's Remake version, you can, but I'm playing r6720 for this challenge.