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Object IDs in the editor

PostPosted: 18 Aug 2014, 17:35
by Freddy
Would it be possible to add a checbox that would enable showing IDs of objects placed on the map? Mainly because sometimes I want to know to which sequence a tree belongs to.

Re: Object IDs in the editor

PostPosted: 19 Aug 2014, 15:13
by Ben
Currently, the trees are organized in order (as far as I've tested). Therefore, if you see a little tree, the object below will be the next stage in the growing phase and so on ;)
Your suggestion isn't a bad one, but this is a very workable solution for now, at least.

Re: Object IDs in the editor

PostPosted: 19 Aug 2014, 15:19
by Freddy
I know, that is not the problem. When I place them on the map, the smaller ones are same for several sequences and I have no way to know in which sequence the small tree is.

Re: Object IDs in the editor

PostPosted: 19 Aug 2014, 15:39
by Ben
Ahhh forgive me. Besides, object IDs are shown in toolbox anyway :P

Re: Object IDs in the editor

PostPosted: 19 Aug 2014, 15:43
by Freddy
What do you mean by toolbox? The list of objects that you choose from to put on the map? If so, that's before I place them, I need to see what the objects are after I place them.

Re: Object IDs in the editor

PostPosted: 19 Aug 2014, 16:43
by Ben
Yeah that's what I meant, but I was criticizing myself. I originally thought that you wanted IDs to be able to pop up in toolbox, but they are already there ;)