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Fowarding the game by 100x is slow

PostPosted: 07 Aug 2014, 09:24
by Michalpl
Maybe something like make to Kam Remake take more cpu and gpu to show it better?

Re: Fowarding the game by 100x is slow

PostPosted: 07 Aug 2014, 09:41
by Krom
x100 speedup is developers feature. We would not want to spend time and effort to improve it, because it is not part of the "usual" game.

Re: Fowarding the game by 100x is slow

PostPosted: 17 Aug 2014, 10:42
by pawel95
Michał is right on one side, that there should be an imporvement in watching replays. I already asked for sth like a "Jump to end of PT"-button, to make it more userfriendly, because even with 60 min pt and x10 speed it takes (too long for a few players ?)/ a few min to get into the interesting parts for most viewers. However as far as I know that isn´t possible, because the replays in the Remake are reproducing the whole game line by line, so there is no possibility in skipping sth or jumping to a certain point, am I right?
I think this your point Michał? Mostly (TS) players uses this x100 function only to skip points of a replay or a few of them uses it for AI crash testing in their (SP/scripted mp) missions, for example.

Re: Fowarding the game by 100x is slow

PostPosted: 17 Aug 2014, 11:21
by Freddy
Wouldn't it be possible to make some kind of snapshots/save points(whole game state saved) in the save that it is possible to skip to them with the replay?

Re: Fowarding the game by 100x is slow

PostPosted: 17 Aug 2014, 11:47
by Lewin
As pawel said you can't skip forward in replays because it needs to simulate the entire game. But Freddy is right, we could save snapshots say every 15 minutes so you can jump to certain places. This will make save files quite a lot bigger (each snapshot will be as big as a current .sav file). This has been on our todo list for ages, it just hasn't seemed like a priority.

Re: Fowarding the game by 100x is slow

PostPosted: 17 Aug 2014, 12:01
by pawel95
Hears cool, but the negative point will come out when downloading saves in the gamelobby. Right now some players have problems and disconnect, when 7 players download the savefiles from the host. What will happen, if the Savefile will get 2 times as big, as it is now for example? :P

Re: Fowarding the game by 100x is slow

PostPosted: 17 Aug 2014, 12:19
by Lewin
Hears cool, but the negative point will come out when downloading saves in the gamelobby. Right now some players have problems and disconnect, when 7 players download the savefiles from the host. What will happen, if the Savefile will get 2 times as big, as it is now for example? :P
Does that still happen in the release candidate? I've tried to fix that problem, but nobody gave feedback about it.

Re: Fowarding the game by 100x is slow

PostPosted: 17 Aug 2014, 12:22
by pawel95
Well in RC1, yes. I made also a small bug report here, but noone reacted:


Maybe it has sth to do that the server had problems AND/OR the host hadn´t a very good internetconnection, but it happened quite some times when we were 8 players, playing on the Official RC server.