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KAM remake units

PostPosted: 28 May 2014, 00:14
by Carlsen
Hello everyone i've been playing kam remake since 2 years ago and I want to post this thread and joined the remake forums

I Guess we need some changes about to game builds.Im talking about army.Im playing this game for 2 years now but im using still same setups and still same soldiers.I checked recent changes like siege units and other kind of soldiers i have neverseen

if you guys can add them by nerfing and keep balanced so we might have some more options about countering units and alot trouble for our enemies

about balance im gonna give very simple exampe about this..

" Siege engines cannot attack living units only Buildings " like this so this will totaly counter stupid tower spam but we will also sacrifice some of our time and wood iron etc for siege units.

and i saw why you guys removed pretty awesome units like " Barbarian,Warrior,Vagabond,REBEL,ROG "

if you guys can add atleast warrior,barbar,rebel and rog we can make different setups in 4v4 games with our teammates which might change the game mechanics alot and more fun forsure another thing we cant add this units like for 5 gold and spam. you guys have to add those units to barracks and with new different requirement like for "warrior=New iron axe,Armor,Helmet " something like this. and ofc we need to add somecounter aswell which i already found something we can easly keep balance between this hardcore units.

if you guys have different and some similiar ideas please share in this topic and dunno who scripting the entire game but if this seem possible and logical please pm me for more ideas

P.S=Sorry for my *cut* english

Lewin: No swearing here please

Re: KAM remake units

PostPosted: 28 May 2014, 09:02
by The Dark Lord
Well first of all Krom and Lewin don't 'have to' do anything. But I agree some catapults would be very nice!

Re: KAM remake units

PostPosted: 28 May 2014, 14:03
by Tiank
First of wall, welcome to the forums Carlsen :). You will find many useful thing around here for sure.

To find things you're looking for, use search option :).
If you search a little bit on this forum you would find, that your ideas were discussed before, for example here.

As far as I know, Lewin and Krom consider putting back siege weapons in different form (look here). But for now there are many other thing to be done, which are higher on priority list.
So you have to* be patient.

*You don't "have" to, but that's probably the best thing you could do ;).

Re: KAM remake units

PostPosted: 28 May 2014, 14:53
by Carlsen
ofc they dont have to do anything i didnt say some kind of "must" anyway..

if these things discussed before then im it's good to even hear that.

Re: KAM remake units

PostPosted: 28 May 2014, 20:23
by dicsoupcan
ofc they dont have to do anything i didnt say some kind of "must" anyway..

if these things discussed before then im it's good to even hear that.

but don't get your hopes crushed, there are a few scripters who are able to add them into a certain map. The downside is that you have to replace them with an existing unit.