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Managing maps and saves downloaded in lobby



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Post 03 Jun 2014, 10:59

Re: Managing maps and saves downloaded in lobby

I support Lewins idea, it looks neat.
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Post 03 Jun 2014, 11:01

Re: Managing maps and saves downloaded in lobby

yes this idea is very nice indeed.
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Post 03 Jun 2014, 11:37

Re: Managing maps and saves downloaded in lobby

There is plenty space in the map editor menu; why not add a third checkbox for downloaded maps? When you select a map from the single player maps or the multiplayer maps, a button could appear next to 'load map' saying 'delete map' (or maybe it should be there by default but not clickable until you select a map), and when you select a downloaded map another button could appear (or, again, maybe it should be there by default) saying 'move to SP/MP maps' or something similar.
That sounds like a good idea to me, it's less duplicated menus than having a "manage maps" tab at the top. So when you select the "downloaded maps" checkbox the load button changes to "move to official maps list" (the delete button can always be there, since any map can be deleted). When you click to move it it will need to prompt for a name (by default just the map name), and an overwrite checkbox if the map already exists.

The idea is that downloaded maps can only be accessed from this place, and if you want to edit them (or select them when you are host) you must add them to your official maps list. So your maps list doesn't get polluted when you download random maps from the lobby. The downside is that if someone sends you a map in the lobby and you want to host with it (maybe the host had to leave suddenly?), you must go to the map editor menu and move it to your official list (although that will only take a few clicks).
Also, I just noticed the 'back to menu' button extends a bit to the right compared to the button above it (create new map). Was that done on purpose? It looks a bit clumsy.
That's been fixed since r6157, thanks.

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Post 03 Jun 2014, 11:44

Re: Managing maps and saves downloaded in lobby

The downside is that if someone sends you a map in the lobby and you want to host with it (maybe the host had to leave suddenly?), you must go to the map editor menu and move it to your official list (although that will only take a few clicks).
That's true... But usually you don't host a map right away when you just got it, you first want to take a look at it... And where would you do that? Right, in the map editor :)

Edit: by the way, does that mean you can play the map while it is in the downloaded maps folder, but only host it when it is in the regular multiplayer map folder?


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Post 03 Jun 2014, 12:36

Re: Managing maps and saves downloaded in lobby

by the way, does that mean you can play the map while it is in the downloaded maps folder, but only host it when it is in the regular multiplayer map folder?
Yes that's right. If you are not the host and the host selects a map, it will look for that map in both MapsMP and MapsDL. Maps from MapsDL have their hash appended to them, like "Golden Cliffs_12345678"


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Post 03 Jun 2014, 15:00

Re: Managing maps and saves downloaded in lobby

Two random ideas:
-filtering the map list by map type
-a way to download SP maps


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Post 03 Jun 2014, 15:26

Re: Managing maps and saves downloaded in lobby

-filtering the map list by map type
I assume you mean on the map editor main menu? That's a good idea, we should add a column for map type. Although we're running out of horizontal space on the map editor main menu (text like "building", "fighting", "special", etc. takes a lot of room, we should probably use icons...) Or just have a second layer of checkboxes like in the lobby (below the SP/MP checkboxes).
-a way to download SP maps
I don't see how this can fit into the design. Downloading maps is for downloading a map in a lobby that you are going to play in that lobby. Downloading a singleplayer map from a multiplayer lobby sounds very confusing.


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Post 03 Jun 2014, 19:17

Re: Managing maps and saves downloaded in lobby

-a way to download SP maps
I don't see how this can fit into the design. Downloading maps is for downloading a map in a lobby that you are going to play in that lobby. Downloading a singleplayer map from a multiplayer lobby sounds very confusing.
I didn't have an idea either, but I can see many SP-only players wouldn't mind such a feature... We'd basically need some way to download SP(/MP?) maps from KaM Repos.


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Post 04 Jun 2014, 01:29

Re: Managing maps and saves downloaded in lobby

I didn't have an idea either, but I can see many SP-only players wouldn't mind such a feature... We'd basically need some way to download SP(/MP?) maps from KaM Repos.
I thought about integration with KaMRepos, or a way to install a map from a link to a zip file by pasting it in (that can work for SP and MP). KaMRepos seems to be widely used so we could think about officially integrating it in some way.

But not for this release, maybe the one after.


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Post 22 Jun 2014, 07:50

Re: Managing maps and saves downloaded in lobby

I've done some work on the MapEd menu, here's what it looks like now:

And here's what it looks like when you select "downloaded maps":

I think it's better with the maps list being tall so you can fit more maps on one screen, but the empty space in the top left is kind of ugly and I can't really see a way to avoid it (stretching the new map checkboxes looks bad, and if the new map panel is at the top the buttons don't line up).

The plan is so when you click the "Move" button it will ask you to enter a name that the map should have after moving (by default the name of the downloaded map, without the hash appended of course), and confirm overwriting if the name is already in use. Alternatively you can load the downloaded map as normal and save it from in the map editor itself.

What do you think?


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Post 22 Jun 2014, 08:42

Re: Managing maps and saves downloaded in lobby

Please move the SP/MP/DL chooser to the right above the minimap, like it's in the lobby. It'll save some space :P


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Post 22 Jun 2014, 08:50

Re: Managing maps and saves downloaded in lobby

Yea, sado is right, it would look better on right.

Managing maps seems easy and simple, good job!
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Post 22 Jun 2014, 11:00

Re: Managing maps and saves downloaded in lobby

Please move the SP/MP/DL chooser to the right above the minimap, like it's in the lobby. It'll save some space :P
That's kind of confusing though because the list is in the middle, and changing the selector on the right means a different list of maps appears in the middle. Above makes it more obvious that it affects the list, since everything to the left is unrelated to the list so why should the selector on the right change it?

Also, we don't need extra vertical space, we already have almost an entire page to show the list of maps so having an extra 3-4 maps in the list really won't make much difference.


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Post 22 Jun 2014, 11:10

Re: Managing maps and saves downloaded in lobby

If you don´t change anything like now it´s ok for me. However I would just add one small title: "Minimap:" Over the minimap :mrgreen: It seems not important but from the aspect of beauty, it would look way better, because the minimap is on the right side alone :P and it looks a little bit unnatural on the first look :D

Talking about the look, I have another idea that I posted here already on the forum:

What about decreasing the Column of "Size" a little bit and add a small column with a symbol of a sword or sth? To actualy be able to sort those maps by "Tactic maps" and "Economy maps". Just imagine an average KaM Player who download like 10 maps per month and want to watch only tactic maps / only eco maps. I wanted to see this feature also in the Serverlist, to sort the existing lobbies by the type of map, that is chosen right now, but this idea was ignored some months ago, because it "isn´t important for now" (H)

EDIT: Sorry just saw that sado came up with this idea already :P However maybe we could make some space with decreasing the "size" column like I said?


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Post 26 Jul 2014, 09:40

Re: Managing maps and saves downloaded in lobby


Is that possible each downloaded replay get a new name? Last time I got a nice replay but with the next one deleted and was very hard and needed long time to got it again.
The downloaded files should get this kind of name:

downloaded_dateB.bas... or smething like this.

And of course the delete button is good as at the maps.

Thank you!

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