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Games I like...
PostPosted: 10 Feb 2008, 05:29
by Lewin
Here are some games I really like. (other than KaM, my favorite) If you like any of them too please tell me. The free ones have links.
- Triplane Turmoil - A great old DOS game, it doesn't run properly on 98+ though.

Close Combat III The Russian Front - An extreamly realistic WW2 game.
Battlefield 1942/Battlefield 2 - Great FPS online and with friends
Civilisation II or III - Lots of fun
Half-life II - Great graphics and physics, one of the best FPS
OpenLerioX - A new version of Liero for windows
Commandos (any version) - Use commandos in WW2
As you can see, they are mostly very old games.
PostPosted: 18 Feb 2008, 15:47
by harold
How about AOE 2? The graphics are worse than KAM but the AI is a lot better (single-map enemies actually attack and protect eachother (depending on which team they're in), stuff like that)
PostPosted: 18 Feb 2008, 16:05
by Merchator
my list of favourite pc games
-GTA: San Andreas
-TES 4: Oblivion
-AOE 2
-The Settlers 3
-Battlefield 2/2142
-Worms (almost every one)
-Stronghold 1/Crusader/2
Some games are new, some games a very old
Triplane Turmoil - A great old DOS game, it doesn't run properly on 98+ though.
You already tried a tool called DoxBox? Maybe it help's?

PostPosted: 18 Feb 2008, 22:05
by Litude
My all-time favorite games:
- Knights and Merchants

- Age of Empires II
- Heretic
- Commander Keen 5
- Liero (NOTHING beats the original, and it's Finnish

- Death Rally
- Deus Ex
My modern game selection is a bit low... That's what you have to live with on an old rig

PostPosted: 04 Mar 2008, 10:22
by Thunderwolf
- KaM (of course

- Celtic Kings, RoW, TPW
- Populous: The Beginning (populous3, is about the same age as KaM)
- Stronghold , only have 2
- Empire Earth (1)
- Neverwinter Nights (1&2)
- TES IV: Oblivion
- Overlord (funny)
- Dungeon Siege 1&2 (won't run in Vista)
Commandos (any version) - Use commandos in WW2
what's WW2?
PostPosted: 05 Mar 2008, 06:16
by Lewin
- Liero (NOTHING beats the original, and it's Finnish

True, the original is so much better than any of the remakes, the only reason I play OpenLieroX is you can play it online with other people very easily.
Oh yes, it is finnish. Is it true that Liero mean 'Earth Worm' in Finnsh?
War 2 (You know, 1939-1945, Germany attacks Poland...)
Personally, I hate AOE, I don't like the health system and KaM requires more complicated tactics than AOE. (in AOE you just spam stuff to win) Also, it's made by Microsoft :evil: (who I hate)
PostPosted: 05 Mar 2008, 09:09
by Thunderwolf
LOL! Very Happy World War 2 (You know, 1939-1945, Germany attacks Poland...)
Oh, so that was what you meant with it. I have Commandos 1 + Exp., but it will only run every once in a while on my computer. most of the time it either crashes when i move the mouse or it doesn't even start. the tutorial in the exp. (2 playable missions, but your characters are immortal in that one) does run on XP.
PostPosted: 06 Mar 2008, 08:20
by Lewin
Oh, so that was what you meant with it. I have Commandos 1 + Exp., but it will only run every once in a while on my computer. most of the time it either crashes when i move the mouse or it doesn't even start. the tutorial in the exp. (2 playable missions, but your characters are immortal in that one) does run on XP.
I have Commandos 1 as well, it works fine on XP here. Have you tried enabling backwards compatibility? (Try 98, that was about when it was made) I might have done this but I can't remember right now...
PostPosted: 06 Mar 2008, 15:28
by Thunderwolf
I did try it, but it had the same issues, can't try it again now, (my laptop SHOULD be back in between now and 5 WEEKS)... Maybe it's because it's a laptop, that the mouse(touchpad) doesn't work that good.
PostPosted: 08 Mar 2008, 00:15
by Litude
Personally, I hate AOE, I don't like the health system and KaM requires more complicated tactics than AOE. (in AOE you just spam stuff to win) Also, it's made by Microsoft :evil: (who I hate)
Ever tried playing online? Unless you use advanced tactics or play against some newbie you will be defeated in a matter of minutes :x
PostPosted: 03 Jul 2008, 15:27
by Wpnfire
Anybody ever heard of a game called Descent? (or 2 or 3 or freespace)
PostPosted: 04 Jul 2008, 03:16
by Lewin
Anybody ever heard of a game called Descent? (or 2 or 3 or freespace)
YES!!! I love Descent!!! I've only really played 2, (1 a little) and it is one of my favourite games. It has one of the best
intro movies ever.
Glad someone else likes it.
PostPosted: 04 Jul 2008, 13:41
by Wpnfire
I have the soundtrack for it. But yeah that game is super epic awesome.
PostPosted: 30 Aug 2008, 20:37
by Crivix
Well for me it's a pretty long list

well here i go ^^
AoE 2/3
Age of mythology + expansion
Spellforce 2
Red Alert 2
Fable the lost chapters,
Silkroadonline (
Star Wars Battlefront 2
Call of Duty 1-4

got them all

Battlefield 2
probably got some more but these i really liked when i played them

PostPosted: 02 Sep 2008, 14:21
by Fitz chevalerie
there are some games that I like ...
on PC
- K & M of course
- Caesar III
- Populous
- Empereur
- Pharaon & Cleopatre
on console
- Mario and all the compagnie
- all the Sonic's
- Tomb Raider
- Pugsy (an old game )
- Ecco the dolphin
- Dizzy

- all the donkey kong series
there are to much games to order , but I never forget one of my first : The dwarfs , on Amstrad