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The Golden Orb Game

PostPosted: 02 Jul 2013, 17:17
by Ben
I, myself, am particularly fond of game that require a chain of players, such as the children's game, telephone, for example. Likewise, forum games are also something that I am quite fond of. I've seen a few over the years, and I thought I'd try a few of them here and see if they work :)

Now, on with the game: The Golden Orb

It's very simple. The first poster (me) starts with the golden orb. Following the first post, each response is a short story of how the responder stole the orb from me. THis continues infinitely.

So, I have the orb. How're you going to steal it?

Re: The Golden Orb Game

PostPosted: 02 Jul 2013, 17:31
by dicsoupcan
i would pickpocket your orb, and if you notice then i will just knock you unconsious and run away

Re: The Golden Orb Game

PostPosted: 02 Jul 2013, 17:39
by Ben
Imperial guardsmen say you. While you were in jail, I took the orb from the "confiscated goods" chest :D

Re: The Golden Orb Game

PostPosted: 02 Jul 2013, 17:41
by Bence791
I bribe a sharpshooter and the police so I just take you out. No consequences except for that the orb is mine.

Re: The Golden Orb Game

PostPosted: 02 Jul 2013, 18:04
by sado1
I just walk by without even looking at the Golden Orb. See, I got THE Diamond Orb, why would I need the Golden one?

Re: The Golden Orb Game

PostPosted: 02 Jul 2013, 18:09
by Bence791
I take some ninja lessons, break into your house, slit your neck and take the diamond orb as well. Bwhahahahahahahaha I have both :3