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Problem with the "white" color

PostPosted: 03 Apr 2013, 18:00
by The_King
Hello everybody!

I don't know if anyone else has had a similar experience or not but recently I was playing a game and I chose the "white" color for myself. It actually led me into some nasty troubles during the battles because, we all know that when you select a troop their flag becomes white right? All of my troops had white flags so I couldn't tell which one was selected and which ones I was giving orders to !!!

It hurt especially when I was moving two troops of crossbowmen and I had to protect them from enemy infantry. We were falling back and I was trying to tell one troop to move back but the other to fire... I couldn't tell which one I was selecting!

Maybe the "white" color is not a very good option to play with. At least I'm never picking it again! Just sharing my experience. :)

Re: Problem with the "white" color

PostPosted: 03 Apr 2013, 18:04
by Bo_
I made a post about it some time ago, where I suggested to turn the flag of a selected group of white soldiers black, I guess it's not a huge priority right now.

Re: Problem with the "white" color

PostPosted: 03 Apr 2013, 18:08
by The_King
I made a post about it some time ago, where I suggested to turn the flag of a selected group of white soldiers black, I guess it's not a huge priority right now.
Aha! So someone else noticed it too :D. Yeah I wouldn't presume it's a high priority because there's so many other colors to choose from. Its not a big issue :) and I'm sure the devs have a lot more important aspects to work on :).

Re: Problem with the "white" color

PostPosted: 03 Apr 2013, 18:18
by Krom
What about dark grey for selected group?

Re: Problem with the "white" color

PostPosted: 03 Apr 2013, 20:55
by Ben
I would still prefer black (I think that I mentioned this same thing before, in addition to Bo).

However, gray will suit me just fine I suppose.

Re: Problem with the "white" color

PostPosted: 03 Apr 2013, 21:05
by Da Revolution
You know I always use white and I never knew selecting your troops should make them white...

Re: Problem with the "white" color

PostPosted: 03 Apr 2013, 21:13
by pawel95
yeah this thing is really annoying. thats Why i changed my standard to green XD

i think grey would be good.
however this problem also appears in the chat. you don't see messages from a ,,white person'' that good. so turning the color to black wouldn't be that good btw(in chat color)

Re: Problem with the "white" color

PostPosted: 03 Apr 2013, 21:20
by Bence791
You know I always use white and I never knew selecting your troops should make them white...
It shouldn't, but the selected group's leader's flag's colour changes to white, no matter which colour you have, and that's why it can be a bit annoying/confusing. See da point?:D