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Left Pannel takes up too much space

PostPosted: 07 Oct 2012, 08:08
by krs
I know this is like in the original, but on bigger screen the left panel just takes up a lot of unnecessary space.

- I know I play Knights and Merchants I do not need a logo as big as the minimap to remind me of that :).

- 1/4 of the bottom part is just empty

- the right margin of the panel is 2,3,4 times as thick as it should be

So my suggestion... Use bottom left for minimap like in other games. Leave room for transparent chat on top. And in the upper left corner, remove the logo an use it for building menu and Stuff.

Optional. Make a thin tog-gable storehouse bar on top of screen, so you know all the time how much resources you have.

Disclaimer. I just started replaying this game and I've encountered many places where the game could be with not too much effort a lot better (imho). I thought I just put my ideas out there and maybe some will get implemented. So do not flame for writing too many posts :).

Re: Left Pannel takes up too much space

PostPosted: 07 Oct 2012, 09:04
by Lewin
The interfaces must all be made to fit our minimum resolution, 1024x576:
As you can see there's no wasted space there.

Re: Left Pannel takes up too much space

PostPosted: 07 Oct 2012, 09:44
by krs
That looks like a better use of space (except for thick panel margin :p).

On my screen (on of them :p) 1280x1024 I have a huge portion of the panel empty and huge KaM logo.

My suggestions imply modules. One module mini map, another module the panel itself, another one chat. It will not interfere in anyway with your minimal resolution requirements. And you have to make it once for minimal resolution and it will automatically fit all sizes.

Re: Left Pannel takes up too much space

PostPosted: 07 Oct 2012, 10:01
by Krom
Modular UI is an interesting idea, so each player could design it to his likings (like WoW has), but in RTS that is still rarely used AFAIK.

It would be interesting to overhaul whole UI to be more modern, but that needs a truly titanic amount of work from real designer..

Re: Left Pannel takes up too much space

PostPosted: 07 Oct 2012, 10:12
by Lewin
My suggestions imply modules. One module mini map, another module the panel itself, another one chat. It will not interfere in anyway with your minimal resolution requirements. And you have to make it once for minimal resolution and it will automatically fit all sizes.
I don't understand what you mean. The panels are already separate modules internally, what are you suggesting that is different? Do you mean we should scale everything up so that on 1280x1024 you see an enlarged panel like the one on 1024x576? That will look pretty strange IMO, but I don't think I understand what you mean.

Re: Left Pannel takes up too much space

PostPosted: 07 Oct 2012, 10:16
by sado1
I think he means that map, panel and chat should be separated and as small as possible on bigger resolutions, creating a minimalistic HUD.

Re: Left Pannel takes up too much space

PostPosted: 07 Oct 2012, 10:31
by Krom
Krs means drag-n-drop elements snapable to each other. Like Delphi 7 IDE has.

Re: Left Pannel takes up too much space

PostPosted: 07 Oct 2012, 11:12
by Nissarin
Since you are talking about panels, it would be nice if chat input area was hidden/inactive until it's focused (by mouse click or keyboard shortcut).
Rationale - I've a big screen, so I tend to keep chat window open all the time but since it's open I can't use keyboard shortcuts, which is annoying.

Re: Left Pannel takes up too much space

PostPosted: 07 Oct 2012, 15:15
by krs
Krs means drag-n-drop elements snapable to each other. Like Delphi 7 IDE has.
That is too much ot ask imo.

I say something quick and "simple": Separate the whole panel into individual parts. (fixed positions no moving around). And I say simple because you have the minimap... you have the pannel... you just have to separate them :).

Move minimap bot left. (Alone no pannel no nothing.)
Transparent! chat above it. (Like in WoW and others).
Loose the KaM logo entirely (too big, it occupies too much space).
Separate build panel and move it to top left corner.

Here a screenshot of minimap and chat and panels (disregards the rest of UI, and the left panels obviously would be bigger.). ... iler_1.jpg. The good thing about this is that it leaves more space to see the actual map. Even more when no chat incoming.

Re: This game badly needs tooltips

PostPosted: 07 Oct 2012, 16:56
by krs
Uhhhh this is hard :) I think we talk about 2 different things. Nothing scales! Minimap has same size on all resolutions. Build panel same size on all resolutions.

Here my mockup: (I know you will be impressed in my Photoshoping skills :D, thanks in advance) ... iginal.jpg ... dified.jpg ... ified2.jpg

the gain is bigger the higher the resolution.

Re: This game badly needs tooltips

PostPosted: 07 Oct 2012, 17:00
by pawel95
Uhhhh this is hard :) I think we talk about 2 different things. Nothing scales! Minimap has same size on all resolutions. Build panel same size on all resolutions.

Here my mockup: (I know you will be impressed in my Photoshoping skills :D, thanks in advance) ... iginal.jpg ... dified.jpg

the gain is bigger the higher the resolution.
This is nice idea, and nice Photoshop skills :D :D
I dont think that this is doable in Remake, but i dont know how the layout works really. Sth similar would be like in Windows, that the Windowsbar is "coming up" if your mouse is in the area of it, you know?

Re: This game badly needs tooltips

PostPosted: 07 Oct 2012, 17:02
by krs
Even better ... ified2.jpg

And move all notifications and chat to bottom left

Re: This game badly needs tooltips

PostPosted: 07 Oct 2012, 17:20
by sado1
Why not move the panel down but leave the map at the top?

Re: This game badly needs tooltips

PostPosted: 07 Oct 2012, 17:23
by pawel95
For me it should look like everytime, since Original KaM, like it looks now. However that could be a button(sth. similar) that you push, and pull it in that direction, where you think, it doesnt waste too much space.

Re: This game badly needs tooltips

PostPosted: 07 Oct 2012, 17:26
by Krom
Modified1 - that gap looks ugly, sorry.
Modofoed2 - maybe that could work, but we need to make it look good in ALL resolutions, and right now 600..960 range will look more weird than good with that gap below.

If we plan to redesign we need to make it good. Research modern RTS games (Anno, Settlers, Starcraft) and see how they handle it in 1024x600 to 1920x1200 )