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multiplayer-any1 worked out how to work it yet?!

PostPosted: 21 Mar 2007, 21:35
by twelvespike
i no this topic has probs already been posted many times, but are we any closer to finding out how to get multiplayer to work yet? a few of us have tried it a few times but it always seems to freeze or not work completely. would be ace if we could do it

PostPosted: 21 Mar 2007, 21:44
by olegasole
we are getang there

PostPosted: 21 Mar 2007, 22:10
by twelvespike
ah thats good to hear. we could never pin point the reason why it wudnt work properly. will be real sweet when we crack it, i no every1s working really hard to figure it out.

PostPosted: 22 Mar 2007, 16:18
by olegasole
very well then....

PostPosted: 04 Apr 2007, 14:08
by Pyro
Revival and I have tried many times with hamachi, but have yet to find a way of making it work HOWVERE this may not be the game, cause we cannot get aoe or TA to work on hamachi either. anyone who would like to help us get it working would be appreciated :P I believe there is a thread with details elsewhere.

PostPosted: 05 Apr 2007, 12:32
by Nick
hmmm, we on dutch forums dont have any problems for playing online (only a few small bugs).

Just make sure u have hamachi on all players who want to play, next 1 person creates a server. Then the others join. when u all joined go to KAM TPR and click on multiplayer, then LAN choose TCP and someone make a game, the others join it. Note: Firewall can cause problems (windows and/or third part)


PostPosted: 05 Apr 2007, 18:39
by Pyro
Yeah, we know how to do it, but for some reason it's not working for us.
Quite possibly firewall issues, although i can play other games eg flatout with my friends on hamachi.

PostPosted: 10 Apr 2007, 23:46
by ray076NL
Did you aply the patch for TPR?

PostPosted: 11 Apr 2007, 12:35
by Pyro
We were playing TSK.

PostPosted: 19 Apr 2007, 18:04
by Knightoftruth
I played TSK with the person who made this forum

PostPosted: 23 Apr 2007, 03:59
by olegasole
AKA real hotdog?

PostPosted: 23 Apr 2007, 12:31
by Litude
Yeah, after some tinkering we actually got it working. The most usual problem when I play online is that the game freezes when you starts (some messages about data packets that never goes away).

PostPosted: 25 Apr 2007, 17:57
by Pyro
We were just plain failing to connect, which may be a firewall issue.

PostPosted: 26 Apr 2007, 20:57
by Litude
Yeah, make sure that you allow the program AND allow the port to access the internet, otherwise you might be in for trouble.

PostPosted: 08 May 2007, 13:49
by olegasole
got it