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Kam Battle system.



Post 08 Sep 2012, 00:23

Kam Battle system.


who I am doesn't matter, but I would like to use this guest-nick to give a clear oppinion, where I won't be juged because of who I am.
So people won't like it because they like me, and not dislike it either because they dislike me. That's the idea.
There are a lot of dicussions going around about the kam battle balance, about some claiming pike to be op, lances to be op, and the only way to fix this is by focussing on the 'rock-paper-scissors' system. I don't think that should be it. Kam is realy not about swordfighters running after pikemen who are running after knights, while they on their turn are running after swordfighters. It looks ridiculous to say it this way, but in the end it's what some people claim to balance to game.

I won't argument against it why especialy not, but I'll just give my clear oppinion how it should be instead.
The idea that we should all have in mind if we want to balance the game. Balancing the game while focussing on this system will make it IMO work.

1. Army composition.

Main army:
Axefighters + Swordfighters

Supportive army:
Bowmen + Crossbowmen

Offensive army:
Scouts + Knights

Defensive army:
Lance carriers + Pikemen

Sabotage army:

2. Army roles.

Main army:
Their role is simple: defeating the enemy's main army. This is the most important part of your army, without them you have no chance of surviving.
Once somebody's main army is defeated, the enemy's army is very vulnerable, their only chance of surviving is hiding behind the towers, and hold of long enough until they have recovered.

Supportive army:
The role of the supportive army is, as it's name says, supporting the main army.
Without the supportive army the main army has no chance of defeating the enemy's main army.

Offensive army
The role of the offensive army is to chase down the supporitve army.
If they can manage to kill the supportive army, the enemy's main army is very vulnerable,
and won't stand long against your main + supportive army.

Defensive army
The role of the defensive army is to defend the supportive army.
They are the only one who can hold off the supportive army, without them the offensive army can easily take out the supportive army.

Sabotaging army
The role of the sabotaging army is to slow down the enemy army, to empty enemy towers, trying to sneak into the enemy's base to sabotage his economy.

3. Army strentches.

Main army:
The main army is composed of very strong and high armored soldiers. They can stand a long time in battle, even while being shotted by enemy range.
In return for their high armor they are a little bit slower than other soldiers,
wich means they can't be used to hunt down soldiers of other armies.

Supportive army:
The supportive army deals a very high amount of damage from distance, but in return it's very vulnerable against direct attack. Because of their light equipement they are slightly faster, wich makes it possible for them to retreat after the main army is defeated, and try to hold of behind the towers while the main army recovers.

Offensive army:
The offensive army is composed of the fastests solsiers in the game. They use their speed to pass trough enemy forces avoiding enemy arrows, trying to reach the supportive army, while avoiding the defensive army. Once reached the supportive army, they use their high strentch to easily kill them. When the supportive army tries to flee, they use their speed to keep chasing them.

Defensive army:
The defensive army has a light armor. It doesn't fit as main soldier, since they can't resist against enemy arrows.
They have to stay behind the main army, while their long weapons makes them increadibly powerful against mounted units.
They are the only soldiers who can efficiëntly defend the supportive army against the offensive army.

Sabotaging army:
The sabotaging army is made of very weak soldiers, with no armor and a very weak attack, wich is still strong enough to kill enemy citizens.
Even in masses they won't be able to realy weaken an army, but when used wisely they can make you win just enough time to let your army arrive or escape. Since they are so easily trainded in masses, they are useful against enemy towers.

4. Army costs, quantities and importance.

Main army:
The main army is composed of average costed soldiers, but since they are the most important part of the army they are needed in big amounts.

Supportive army:
The supportive army is composed of cheaper soldiers, they are the seconds most important part of the army and also need to be in big amounts.

Offensive army:
The offensive army has the most expensive soldiers. They require a lot of resources and time to be builded, wich makes it impossible to train them in big amounts. They aren't the most important piece of an army, but when used correctly they can make an enourmous difference in the amount of looses the army will take, wich makes it worth to build them.

Defensive army:
The deffensive army is composed of rather cheap but also very weak units. They are still very important since they are the best unit to intercept enemy cavaliry, trying to chase down archers. They funtion is to prevent a disaster from happening.

Sabotaging army:
They may be the weakest unit in the game, but they are also the cheapest unit in the game. Other units shouldn't be sacrificed to build them, but they are a suplementary unit used to increase the difference between 2 player's economy.

5. Unit changes.

Main army:
This should be the main army, only good as main army unit. For that I sugested to actualy decrease their speed by 10%. Why?
Soldiers will need to use storm attack to reach the enemy as fast as possible, so defending doesn't give a too big advantage,
since the attacking player will recieve the first arrows. If they would be as fast as archers and lances/pikemen,
they can just perform storm attack to chase those units. Making them slower will prevent them from being the only melee a player needs,
since now you will realy need faster soldiers to chase down enemy range.
To make them more resistant in battle I would sugest +1lp or +1 armor, test should show what's best.
Since you also need other soldiers, I think it would be good to make the production of shields 30% faster and those of armors 10% faster.
With axefighters and swordfighters as mean units, you would need way more armory workshops and armor smithies than weapon workshops, weapon smithies to be able to hold on production. This would allow you to have a good production with 2 weapon smithies and 2 armory smithies, for iron, and 5 weapon, 5 armor workshops for leather.

Supporting army
Would it be possible give them a relative damage? This would give range a more supportive role, instead of using them as killers and melee as meat. For example: Damage attack = ((Target's remaining lp) x 200)/ distance.
Why also including distance? This could resolve the problem of having only range inflicting damage. The more range you have, the lower their average damage they deal will become, while having more range still means more damage.
I would also make them about maybe 5% faster, making knights and scouts more necesary to train since they would be the only unit who can chase them.
This 5% bonus will not realy make them more powerful, but more increase the need of horses.

Offensive army
I think the production rate of horses should be slightly faster, like George said, maybe 15%?
Also every change about strentch/endurance given to a footman with the same equipement, should also be given to them.

Defensive army
I think this is about the only unit that's good the way it is. But if cavaliry gets additional defense, that percentage should be added to their anti-horse bonus.

Sabotaging army
I realy think militia have a too high attack rate, even if they have no armor.
In my system it would make them too powerful against lances/pikemen.

So resumed this would mean:

If you judge this topic, don't judge on everything at the same time.
My idea is an evolved version of the 'rock paper scissors' balance wich I think won't work for the simply reason that in kam you can't move your units once they're attacking, making knights useless in core combat and too easy to be killed by pikemen. So if you don't use knights in core combat, the 'rock paper scissors' is already broken.
In this idea knights will still be stronger than swordfighters, but since it doesn't matter in the game I don't think about that while trying to balance the game.

The reason that I wrote everything in parts is not because I liked it, but because you could be able to analyse every part at once.
You can agree for 1 think, without agreeing for another thing I wrote, so please be clear in what I wrote you mean.


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Post 08 Sep 2012, 00:38

Re: Kam Battle system.

All i gonna say, is that clearly, there must be a diference bettwen "main army" and defensive army and offensive army besides de speed: its about shields stuff.

lets say all units have 2 lifepoins, the leather units has defense 1, and metal defense 2, however, the pikemen and spears dont have shield, due this, its fine to add 1 hit point to the main army and offensive army, so, the really are worth to be sent to the battle, and the defensive army, will be well used as defense against ofensive army, covering the suport army, paseants, the city whatever..

With this, i give my positive vote to the shield +1 life point



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Post 08 Sep 2012, 01:07

Re: Kam Battle system.

If the units with a shield get a bonus of some sort (most simple solution is an extra hitpoint I think) we'll see the following effect on gameplay:
+ Swordmen and axemen are being used again since they are better as a meatshield.
+ Lancers (and to a lesser extend pikemen) won't be spammed any longer as the only meatshield (only because they are faster/cheaper to produce).
+ Because lancers are no longer massed we see more horses on the battlefield.
+ All units available are of use in the game now.

As you can see 4 problems are solved with this simple adjustment. We have already tested the shield HP+1 patch in the beta and it works like it should. I've always supported the idea and now that we actually tested it I think it's more fun to play with all units used the way they are made for.

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Post 08 Sep 2012, 04:22

Re: Kam Battle system.

I don't know who Toceba is... but he did a well constructed analysis. :)
I have participated in some +1hp matches, and I have still seen well performed "lances+pikes+xbows" (czechboss/Kruciprdel).

2 lancers vs 1 axemen is 6hp vs 4hp, result is obvious. I also remember seeing [5hp knights] been slaughtered by lancers.

When will Lewin/Krom try the shield patch? I haven't see them sharing a shield match yet.
Noone understands why the patch was tested only 2 days... Were developers afraid of this?

IMO just remains to make archers shoot faster, so their sequence is [2.7 secs] compared to Xbows [4 secs].
I repeat one more time: Lancers/Pikemen continued being trained during *patch tests.


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Post 08 Sep 2012, 05:05

Re: Kam Battle system.

I agree that the +1hp change was a big improvement that mostly solved the problem, but I don't think it's the best improvement we can make to solve the problem, there were some issues pointed out at the time and a number of people weren't 100% happy with it, although I think most people acknowledge that it was an improvement.

I think +1 defence against arrows might work better, but of course it needs testing. There were also other suggestions floating around. So we'd like to test some of these ideas before just going with the first idea we tried in case some of these ideas are even better.

We would like the public release to only make a big change to shields once if possible. If we release the +1hp change with this update, then the next update we use a +1 defence against archers because we found that was better, people will complain because they got used to the way it was before, and they have to keep massively changing their strategies/army composition with each update. People don't like change. We're already expecting a lot of complaints about the food changes, like we initially had with the RC but with 10,000 people not 100 people complaining :P If we keep messing with shields in public releases I think the game will feel inconsistent, and people will wonder "so what will they change with shields NEXT update...".

So we have a choice:
a) Release with shields +1hp, then test the other ideas thoroughly then release another change in the update after.
b) Release without any changes to shields, then test the other ideas thoroughly then implement the final decision in the update after.
c) Delay the update for 2-3 months, so we can thoroughly test other ideas.

Now I've already said why a) is a bad option, and c) is a bad option because it means everyone keeps using r3392 until then. Without the shields change the RC is still a big improvement on r3392. Food and wine balance is better, and there's all the new features and bug fixes we worked tirelessly on. So why hold that back from people? Just think of the next release as being r3392 with food balance and some other improvements, then we can find a thorough solution for military balance for the next update, rather than a rushed one where other ideas have not been tested.

This also gives us the chance to test ideas to solve the other balance issues at the same time such as bowmen, storm attack, archers hard to kill because your soldier stops hitting them when they move away, and look for more evidence of tower spam being a problem as has been reported by some people.

So that's why the update will be released without the shields change. I hope you understand our decision. For the people here it doesn't make much difference, you'll get to help test the other balance ideas like the RC anyway. And like the RC you can still send it privately to your friends who you want to play with.

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Post 08 Sep 2012, 07:35

Re: Kam Battle system.

I agree that B is the best option. Why let a small group enjoy a lot of good changes?

You can never say the balance is fixed after trying just one option (you might ignore better solutions). Although when all options are tested and (almost) everyone agrees which patch is the best it would be better to release the next release sooner than normal I think. When you don't do that you'll get a more separated community because the so-called pro players don't play with the regular players and create a distance.

Anonymous poster I like your well thought idea about the whole issue, but i am afraid that too many changes at the balance at once will cause a mess. It seems easy on paper but in game the effects can be quite different. With just one or two stats being changed you can predict better what will happen than when you change almost every unit. The units that aren't changed will most probably lag behind because compared with the others they will get weaker in some way.
Lancers (and to a lesser extend pikemen) won't be spammed any longer as the only meatshield (only because they are faster/cheaper to produce).
I don't really agree on this one, no I am not afraid I lose my lancer tactic, but in my opinion lancers had no use for me. Maybe if we test the patch again in the next release I'll spam lancers just to see if it still works (with more casualties) since I think I can easily outnumber axefighters.
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Post 08 Sep 2012, 08:21

Re: Kam Battle system.

"On paper" separation to Main/Offence/Defence/Support army looks good, but in actual life it will be quite hard to "enforce" players, that they need these 4 armies to succeed.
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Post 08 Sep 2012, 12:46

Re: Kam Battle system.

I am sad that some people still don't understand how is just + 1 HP very unhappy change.. this change entails new unbalanced situations and only changing focus on unit.. please think about this change deeper.. I can give examples of imbalance.. but it must come to mind for everyone..
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Post 08 Sep 2012, 17:00

Re: Kam Battle system.

To the anonymous guy: the fact that you totally disregard the current battle system, and want to make it from scratch, is something I can't understand - why shouldn't we just fix the old one when we were close to the good answer? I'm not saying +1 HP is a good thing, it's better than current situation though, and as I pointed out in the balance topic (I'm sad no one said what he thinks about what I wrote), we should try +1 Defence Point against archers for shielded units, as it might be the solution we're looking for. Then, there are some smaller problems left (I won't be repeating everything here as it already goes too offtopic) but these can be easily overcomed, they are a matter of testing.

Somehow I feel that you just want to change the battle system for the sake of changing it. Let's wait and see if small changes will work. If they won't, we can think about making the battle system from scratch. I think no one here is unsatisfied enough with current battle system to change it to a new one. (Anyone disagrees - tell me!)

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