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PostPosted: 09 Nov 2011, 00:13
by Lewin
The reason why the AI works in the normal missions is because they have AI script and the multiplayer ones don't. Also in singleplayer the AI usually has more defences and a completed village which is required while we do not have auto build.

PostPosted: 10 Nov 2011, 11:18
by The Dark Lord
Yesterday I was playing a game and for the first time in the Remake I had no food left and my people were suffering from a famine. But I also had some crossbowmen which had to be fed. I decided it was time for drastic measures and closed my inns. This way all the food would go to my soldiers. But I noticed (and I noticed this before, also in the original game) it takes my serfs very long to realise that the inns are closed. Why is that? I often also close my inns at the beginning of the game to speed up the buildings process, but you have to be very fast because if you wait a second they will just ignore what you do.

PostPosted: 10 Nov 2011, 11:34
by Lewin
Yesterday I was playing a game and for the first time in the Remake I had no food left and my people were suffering from a famine. But I also had some crossbowmen which had to be fed. I decided it was time for drastic measures and closed my inns. This way all the food would go to my soldiers. But I noticed (and I noticed this before, also in the original game) it takes my serfs very long to realise that the inns are closed. Why is that? I often also close my inns at the beginning of the game to speed up the buildings process, but you have to be very fast because if you wait a second they will just ignore what you do.
It's because once a serf has chosen a delivery, they will finish it before checking whether the inn is closed. Basically, when a serf because idle, it checks for an available job. So at this point it will check whether the inn is closed. But once he's decided he's taking bread to the inn, he won't stop just because you closed it. And as serfs have to walk from the other side of your village it takes a while before it really comes into effect. Of course we could make it cancel "in progress" deliveries, but where should we draw the line? Players might be annoyed if a serf is 1 tile away from the inn then either drops the bread and loses it or take it back to his storehouse. Maybe they should realise when they arrive at the from house, but once they've pick up the goods they won't stop. What are your ideas?

PostPosted: 10 Nov 2011, 11:42
by RiT4LiN
Maybe they should realise when they arrive at the from house, but once they've pick up the goods they won't stop.

PostPosted: 10 Nov 2011, 11:43
by GreatWhiteBear
Closing your inns is brilliant, thanks Dark Lord

PostPosted: 10 Nov 2011, 12:04
by The Dark Lord
Never mind Lewin, I just tested it and you are right. They will stop as soon as I close the inn. Surely they will bring in the food if they were already on their way, but that's okay with me. I was thinking that they would bring more food even after I closed the inn (thus ignoring what I did), but that's not the case.
Closing your inns is brilliant, thanks Dark Lord
I know it is, you're welcome. :P I figured it takes too much time to provide the inn with food when you have like four serfs, so a long time ago I came up with this and it works perfectly. You can now build your school faster, train more serfs, and open the inn again (preferably when they have nothing to do of course). :)

PostPosted: 10 Nov 2011, 15:26
by Lewin
Closing your inns is brilliant, thanks Dark Lord
I've been doing this for ages in multiplayer games, although sometimes I forget to open it and wonder why my villagers are starving half an hour later :P
When we get to optimising deliveries we'll think about making them stop while on their way to the from house if you close the door, but there are other more important ways to optimise the deliveries that can come first.

EDIT: This topic is now LOCKED. Please continue ideas discussions on this official thread.