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Re: How to make bowmen more useful

PostPosted: 12 Oct 2012, 01:52
by Leeuwgie
I also think the best way would be to decrease the aiming pause, as increasing the damage or range will only lead to problems (especially balance issues on some maps). But from my experience I think that as long as you will have iron on some maps, you will always see much more xbows than bows and I suppose that even a decreased aiming pause will, unfortunately, not change anything...
I agree with Thomas. Another approach; a change that brings bowmen back in the game is when units with shields receive a bonus I think. If swordmen are of use players will make less crossbowmen as a result. And since lance carriers are not the best meatshield anymore players will train more bowmen to compensate for their lack of crossbowmen. Less lance carriers on the battlefield means also that horses are of full use, even the scout. I saw the bowmen being used alot more in the shield patch beta version we played.

Re: How to make bowmen more useful

PostPosted: 12 Oct 2012, 06:08
by vovets1
What about the soldiers with shields: they will be stronger, and archers all will be forgotten ... Although I saw a man who just making the skin able to beat someone who had crossbowmen and lancers. Just ten scouts went crossbowmen to the rear. (6) And the archers shot well Lancers.

Re: How to make bowmen more useful

PostPosted: 18 Oct 2012, 14:52
by Siegfried
I'm just throwing this idea out because of the sake of completion:

if we think about the 'realistic' way, than consider the weight of bolts and arrows. A bowman can take several dozens of arrows with him. But a xbow only a few to a dozen bolts because of this weight.

So instead of increasing the bowmen fire rate, introduce a kind of 'refill rate'. Make it such, that the bowman can fire all the time. But the xbowman has to wait every 3 or 5 or whatever number of seconds for one second until he can fire again.

So effectively a decrease in xbow fire rate, but implemented in a different way.

Re: How to make bowmen more useful

PostPosted: 18 Oct 2012, 15:34
by Bo_
It's a nice idea but it's not by making xbow weaker that bowmen will be stronger. You'll make maybe both of them but in the end they will be still crap IMO.

Re: How to make bowmen more useful

PostPosted: 18 Oct 2012, 17:05
by thunder
I think to change of the distance and/or power of the shot solve 'the problem' maybe.
I dont know why do they shot only over 4 square?
You can shot further with Xbow than Wbows in the real life.

Wooden bows:
2-10 (2-8 +better hitting point) squares
2-12 (2-10)squares


Re: How to make bowmen more useful

PostPosted: 28 Oct 2012, 08:32
by vovets1 ... 131&r=4131 there are all the issues and their solutions. Maybe just make a poll?

Re: How to make bowmen more useful

PostPosted: 28 Oct 2012, 08:39
by Lewin ... 131&r=4131 there are all the issues and their solutions. Maybe just make a poll?
Those are not all the solutions, they're just the ones we've thought of so far and the ones that have been suggested. When we start balance testing (after this upcoming hotfix that improves ping) we'll test these things in a private release sent to the beta testers and maybe have polls if we are unsure which solution would be best (although we'll probably need to test a few ideas before we find the right one)