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Re: Release candidate 4

PostPosted: 24 Nov 2014, 17:25
by Tiank
Sado, dude, calm down with such fast feedback, it haven't even been 24 hours since you posted your recording :D.

Hope evereyone else won't mind if I write feedback in Polish, it's just easier.

Generalnie fajnie to brzmi, masz dość dobry głos do tego, dobrze czytasz, powoli i wyraźnie, ale na pewno słowa "królestw kwitło", "przywództwem" i "trwały" powinny być inaczej wypowiedziane. Teraz to jest tak, jakbyś się za bardzo skupiał na płynnym wypowiedzeniu tego i rozbijasz słowo na pojedyncze litery. Takie mam wrażenie. I we fragmencie "wynurzające się z bagien i wodnistych terenów, pod wodzą Króla Gongrela", jest wg mnie za długa przerwa pomiędzy "terenów" a "pod wodzą", spokojnie mógłbyś płynnie przejść, wtedy będzie to lepiej brzmiało. A może w ogóle lepiej trochę zmienić szyk tego zdania, w sensie "Na południowym wschodzie, pod przywództwem króla Gangrela, znajdziesz królestwo Exerana, wynurzające się z bagien i wodnistych terenów". Fajnie akcentujesz te wszystkie nazwy, bardzo dobrze brzmią.

I think you should continue your work in making voiceovers for Polish translation.

For the English text maybe it would be better, if a native speaker would do that, but on the second thought, now it sounds kind of... exotic? :)

Re: Release candidate 4

PostPosted: 24 Nov 2014, 17:30
by dicsoupcan
yes but our lovely little american rejected our proposal :(

Re: Release candidate 4

PostPosted: 24 Nov 2014, 17:39
by pawel95
For the English text maybe it would be better, if a native speaker would do that, but on the second thought, now it sounds kind of... exotic? :)
That really depends. I remember some voices from Age Of Empires II where you had to play with french soldiers. The English/and German translations were extra made with that accent and it was very well made.
So it hasn´t to be a native speaker here also, it can be a guy with a funny accent from the destroyed empire :P

Back to the main topic:

What about the translations for the official Release, will they be finished just in time?

Small things are still missing like "To play a previously unlocked campaign mission, select the mission flag on the campaign briefing" but also other small things in the Mapeditor.

Re: Release candidate 4

PostPosted: 24 Nov 2014, 20:12
by andreus
Well, new release is getting closer and closer. Nice :)

A small addition to buglist:
- Create new lobby. Host will be not ready by default. Change any option (f. e. map type) and host will be ready :O Shouldn't host be ready by default?
- New SP map "Barbarians": There's no defeat conditions
- Some of my maps: some bugs have been reported, I'll try to fix them this week.

Re: Release candidate 4

PostPosted: 25 Nov 2014, 01:28
by Ben
yes but our lovely little american rejected our proposal :(
I made several attempts on the voice over. I actually thought that they were okay, but the English (as in, your writing) is lacking a bit and sometimes confusing to say aloud. I'd like to talk to you about this on Teamspeak sometime.

Re: Release candidate 4

PostPosted: 25 Nov 2014, 12:26
by RandomLyrics
I could master voiceovers to sound morelike kam and add some sound effects for the background :)

Re: Release candidate 4

PostPosted: 25 Nov 2014, 19:47
by Ben
Background music is a must ;)

Re: Release candidate 4

PostPosted: 26 Nov 2014, 13:22
by Lewin
- Create new lobby. Host will be not ready by default. Change any option (f. e. map type) and host will be ready :O Shouldn't host be ready by default?
Fixed, thank you.
- New SP map "Barbarians": There's no defeat conditions
I reported this to the map author, I'll make sure it gets fixed.
yes but our lovely little american rejected our proposal :(
I made several attempts on the voice over. I actually thought that they were okay, but the English (as in, your writing) is lacking a bit and sometimes confusing to say aloud. I'd like to talk to you about this on Teamspeak sometime.
Yeah, I would suggest improving the English of the briefings before doing a voiceover. Either way, the voiceover should match the text exactly.
What about the translations for the official Release, will they be finished just in time?

Small things are still missing like "To play a previously unlocked campaign mission, select the mission flag on the campaign briefing" but also other small things in the Mapeditor.
On the day RC4 was released we contacted all our translators with instructions to update their translations. We always get translations updated right before the public release so we have finished adding new text to the game. Most of our translators prefer to update all the translations once rather than being contacted for every single RC, and up until recently we have still been adding more text to the game.

Re: Release candidate 4

PostPosted: 08 Dec 2014, 13:10
by xavierko
My friends cannot "ready" to join my save file but just autosave file can?

Re: Release candidate 4

PostPosted: 08 Dec 2014, 13:54
by Lewin
My friends cannot "ready" to join my save file but just autosave file can?
Can you explain the problem in more detail? I'm not sure what you mean. Thanks!

Re: Release candidate 4

PostPosted: 08 Dec 2014, 14:05
by T*AnTi-V!RuZz
My friends cannot "ready" to join my save file but just autosave file can?
Can you explain the problem in more detail? I'm not sure what you mean. Thanks!
Here's my attempt:

He hosts a lobby and selects a savefile to load. When his friends join, they cannot click 'Ready' (for some reason). When he selects an autosave file instead of the other save file, they can.

Re: Release candidate 4

PostPosted: 08 Dec 2014, 14:11
by xavierko
I have saved the game when we are playing. After that, i loaded that save file, all of my friends cannot click ready button(shown “X”) and join to continue to play that save file.

Re: Release candidate 4

PostPosted: 08 Dec 2014, 14:21
by Lewin
I have saved the game when we are playing. After that, i loaded that save file, all of my friends cannot click ready button(shown “X”) and join to continue to play that save file.
Did they download the save file by clicking the download button on the right? The autosave would not need to be downloaded since they would have had it.

Re: Release candidate 4

PostPosted: 08 Dec 2014, 14:30
by xavierko
yes, my friends got click on right hand side download button but also cannot...we had not face this problem before KAM version...

Re: Release candidate 4

PostPosted: 08 Dec 2014, 15:08
by Lewin
yes, my friends got click on right hand side download button but also cannot...we had not face this problem before KAM version...
Thanks for the information. Could your friend(s) please send us a screenshot of the problem? (when they have downloaded the save but can't click ready). Press "Prt Scr" on the keyboard, go to, press CTRL+V and upload, then post the link here.