Oblivion Glitches
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Glitches in oblivion. I know you can write a book, but please feel free to share.
Ok here are a list of glitches i know that i cant find on the web,
There is a glitch that causes your face to glow. I think it has somthing t odo with using a light spell/potion, then instead of using dispel or actual waiting for it to fade, use the wait button. Havnt proven it, but its a glitch all the same.
There is another glitch i found while plaing the knights of the nine.[KNIGHTS OF THE NINE SPOILERS] When u are about to kill umriel or whoever his name is, the first room has a switch. u hit the switch and the gate opens to get to the second part of the room. however the switch wont open. Havnt found the reason for it, but it really buged me.[END
This glitch is one that i looked for a long time on the web. i noticed that if you are wearing ur arena armor, Then schedule your match, then cast any bound armor scroll/spell(not helmet) Then drop the arena armor from your inventory, you can then wear whatever you want into the arena. Usefull if u are stuck in a match and you need inchanted armor.
This glitch occurs because the armor ws never unequiped by the player and therfore considers you as still wearing the armor. as long as you never put on a new armor set and take it off, this effect can be permenant.
There is a glitch that causes your face to glow. I think it has somthing t odo with using a light spell/potion, then instead of using dispel or actual waiting for it to fade, use the wait button. Havnt proven it, but its a glitch all the same.
There is another glitch i found while plaing the knights of the nine.[KNIGHTS OF THE NINE SPOILERS] When u are about to kill umriel or whoever his name is, the first room has a switch. u hit the switch and the gate opens to get to the second part of the room. however the switch wont open. Havnt found the reason for it, but it really buged me.[END
This glitch is one that i looked for a long time on the web. i noticed that if you are wearing ur arena armor, Then schedule your match, then cast any bound armor scroll/spell(not helmet) Then drop the arena armor from your inventory, you can then wear whatever you want into the arena. Usefull if u are stuck in a match and you need inchanted armor.
This glitch occurs because the armor ws never unequiped by the player and therfore considers you as still wearing the armor. as long as you never put on a new armor set and take it off, this effect can be permenant.

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