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Map Protecting



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Sword Fighter

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Post 08 Jan 2015, 15:55

Map Protecting

Hi, i have little trouble with unauthorized map "upgrading". Its okay when person use my map and make own edition "Edit by XXX" but some person just edit my "const" and release it as official new version.. without any info about new author and edited. I was working hard to balance things, but this f**ker could easily ruin opinion of my map and players will not trust in my any new versions. Ill just do my work and dont bother it, but im kinda disspointed how easily people can do that. Sorry for bad lang, im mad had to release it.

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King Karolus Servant

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Post 09 Jan 2015, 09:19

Re: Map Protecting

I agree the problem is bigger than suspected. May I ask how many of those updates were made by you?


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Sword Fighter

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Post 09 Jan 2015, 14:13

Re: Map Protecting

Im talking and know only about Furious Warriors, ive made from 0.95 to 1.55 ( about 5, 6 updates). Now someone did 1.57. I tihnking about making kinda watermark in game, hidden somewhere in code, but it will not be hard to find.


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Post 09 Jan 2015, 14:50

Re: Map Protecting

Release it on forum as well and keep it updated here (maybe the most major releases of map, not all of them). Players shouldn't rely only on lobby sending feature. Forum should be one of the most reliable sources to get a map and players should get used to it imo.
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Post 09 Jan 2015, 15:01

Re: Map Protecting

Release it on forum as well and keep it updated here (maybe the most major releases of map, not all of them). Players shouldn't rely only on lobby sending feature. Forum should be one of the most reliable sources to get a map and players should get used to it imo.
I agree.
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Moorbach's Guard

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Post 21 Oct 2020, 18:45

Re: Map Protecting


The dynamic script could help a little bit to make a bit more complicated the copy/paste or modifiying procedure.
If open the maps in the editor then it would not show anything about the map. Could be anything... The script forms everything. You just need to write a terrain scanner script and save the values into the script file. It helps you a little bit to not be so easy to modify the terrian. Who wants to edit, the person atleast would have to know about probramming, or would have to find the correct lines. etc... Of course the script could be long because the readout tiles, but as far as I know the latest Beta already offers such a command which can help to reduce the amount of data about terrians(tiletype, direction, object etc...).
I know there are several maps already using this techniqe, or atleast some of them are in progress.

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