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thunder's map



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Post 10 Sep 2015, 15:35

Re: thunder's map

It's a very weird map that made for a very entertaining game. I doubt every game would be so interesting, but I certainly enjoyed it :)

I do find it odd that the difficulty among locations varies a lot. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it does make comparing stats less interesting ;)
I used to spam this forum so much...


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Post 22 Nov 2015, 21:40

Re: thunder's map


I made a video very long time ago(more than years ago) about creating a loc. 80mins video in realtime. the lnk will work 5days only from today.(I know his is an ugly and very raw loc, but iwas in study pahse also :D )


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Post 23 Nov 2015, 05:11

Re: thunder's map

Upload it to YouTube! ;-)
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Post 23 Nov 2015, 07:14

Re: thunder's map

Yeah no way am I downloading a video that I know (essentially) nothing about ;)
I used to spam this forum so much...


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Post 23 Nov 2015, 10:57

Re: thunder's map

The video is 80mins realtime thunder from the past.
I uploaded the vide to Replay Archice->Teamspeak. (Or the map archive?I dont remember:D) from there the downloading is faster.;)
filename is: loc by thunder. mp4


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Post 03 Feb 2017, 12:09

Re: thunder's map


My last posts happened more than one year ago here on this topic. As I see my last presented map was Desert Mind on the forum. But in 2016 and early 2017 created some more new maps.
*Iron and Gold RMtT5 (4v4, New Horizon style with different location order and with two middle bridges. RMtT-Romek, Mexi T, thunder and Tibi helped to fix and balance, but of course still would need some adjustments on some locations. Seems palyers like to play it.)
*Horizon (4v4 -It is the extension of the New Horizon. Extend the story telling of the map. More and larger fighting zones. Less campy than New Horizon, but of course the camp fest still could be long on it.)
*Moody Meadows (3v3; a map with 8 very smothy locations and every locations has only 2 iron mines. Still say that 2mines (30%lower ironmining time is much better for the strategy selections)),
*The Last Port (3v3/ 4v4- one of my favourite map. Locations with 2-3-4-5 ironmines. The map tried to present a single simple island with huge diverstiy. Every locations are kind of easy spammable which is quite well fit for the huge fighting zone. Personal favourite is loc5 where farm spam is optimal very farm from the storehouse.),
*Vörös Arany/Bloody Gold(3v3 and 4v4, Top locations has some shared resources, Mid loacations are kind of leather only locations-similar like TFF loc5)not this was the plan :? because i wanted a very strong mid location)- and bottom locations with Accross style.),
*The Pro, the Noob and the Bold(Speciel research with different type of locations. REal leather ONLY and real Iron Only locations with some trade possibilities),
*Together (2v2, well, well, well...I think it is almost the COOP category map. The players have to build together on the locations which needs lots of communications because of the locs hhave only 1coalfield,1 ironhill and 1 gold hill. This is present something what is lost with Border Rivers 8P-Bulding TOGETHER!)
*The Hatefuls (4v4, Another map which was not released here. The Map's idea came from Romek. The middle castle locations can not make towers, so the other 3 locations have to hurry to help these locations. Huge battles and huge campings? Anyway it is not bad from a shortly made map)
*East End_t (2v2; One word...glitch)
*Dry Hard (1v1. One day map made only for fun with a seasonal river)
*Dry Hard 6P (3v3 Staying at fun extended the 2P map under short time. huge building spaces hard to make effective tower placements so always has to be there a kind of small attackable bacdoor. The middle area much more opened then it was its previous version.)
*Dry Hard 8P (4v4, maybe not many of the players have this version but yes, 6P was extended also with 'story'. Kind of huge map.)
*Florizon (1v1, I had a short discussion with Florek about his lost map which lost with his PC. Lost or strated to learning flying through the window? :mrgreen: under this discussion i got his pre sketch and drew to him this map. It is maybe my fastest made well playable map. Of course not as good as Floro's original Conquest map.)

Fun made 1v1 maps:
*The Mercury Mission 79 (How to make gold from mercury :P - Based on Koczis12's MegaLand location. The stucture of the map give way more tactical varitions than usual 1v1 maps. ),
*The Dark Matter (1v1- made from TDL's Megaland loc. directly face to face with the opponenet)
*Entrophy of the Hell (1v1 made from Hellracer's MegaLand loc. Cool down, the Hell is boiling.Will feel it.)
*The Pro (1v1 location from The pro, the noob and the bold map)
*The Noob (1v1 location from The pro, the noob and the bold map)
*The Bold (1v1 location from The pro, the noob and the bold map)
Fun made maps:
*Abrak_t edition (2v2, with wider fighting zone)
*Abrak 8p (4v4; practicing copy paste using function :P )
*ButterFly in the Butter (1v1. It was made for a smooty map. Unfortunately maybe the fighting zone is small. But for small army maybe not?)
*Boarderless steel (3v3 map on many ways :mrgreen: Yes it is a real troll map. Not recommened to waste your time on it :P )

*NM2.3 New Mod 2.3, this is a speciel Townhall barrack research script. Described in other topic. Would need more imporvement, but dynamic scripts are limited.
*LC and TD The Last chance and The Tower destroyer script. TL: if the player lost his barrack then every deleted reserved building give one TH unit . TD: every destroyed towers give speciel rewards.(6goldchests for the destroyer, but it is still under developement)

And a real 'vomit' map :mrgreen:
*The Flaming Dunes (3v3, Somebody asked me to can you make a map which has not easy locations? I said that is the easiest thing to make hard maps.(ofc it is not true, much more time and thinking...) I was renting a ship from Woloszek and built a map around it :P
Well, it is almost the unplayable category, but yes it is a hard kind of and I know what the players will think about it. Only 2 locations can make towers to breaking the " campy situations" should be easier. The sandy areas makes the farm placement much harder, there are limited space for woodcutters, the coalfield , the gold and ironmines slots are mostly on the oposite side of the centre towns, so hard to plan good and effective bases. I tried to implement easy developing ways to the locations to balanicing the harder parts of the buildings, but I'm sure it has lower production than a classical Thundy's loc. Building on this map need real knowledge of the game. 30-30?)

So yes, so much happened while was out from this topic. But posting them later is better than never. :wink:

Here is a dowload link for my latest released maps. (copy into MapsMP folder) ... klKX0NsYkU

Have fun!


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Post 16 Jul 2017, 13:50

Re: thunder's map


The upgraded version of the New Mode script. version is NM-2.6 ... 5qVTg/view

It offers more kind of troops, more army composition, more strategy ways on fair way. Different set ups for the different strategies. Can go mass armies withouth lether too. Compensating this needs more gold of course.
The barrack got a backdoor- it is working only if the backside of the barrack is walkable and it is only for the TH units who are coming out there reducing mass traffic in fornt of the barrack. If backside is not walkable units are coming out normaly at the front side of it.
Fixed documentation, description etc...

Say Ribizli!
have fun! :wink:


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Post 05 Aug 2017, 14:44

Re: thunder's map

:D Scripting could be enjoyable too. Almost like drawing maps but maybe a bit more exact.

NM_3.0 ... FRzNHotUHc

I implemented the Townhall as building. (Thank you Andreus ;) ).
Recalculate the values of the sadistic statistics.

-The units costs are the same as in the previuos versions, but now the TH units walking out from the Townhall and not from the backdoor of the barrack.
-All market trades are enable too until the player's having only one barrack. 60bonus wares in the barrack.Can trade them, but if not all 60 in the in the barrack, then can not train regular units. Its a kind of loan.

It is almost normal mode. :wink:


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Post 30 Nov 2017, 23:06

Re: thunder's map

Just for the December start well:
A little remake of I&G. Yes fixed the fish :mrgreen:
No need new prebuild as it is the same as the original with new layer and vision. Loc 9-10 not show statistic, but fine to play them.
Downloadlink: ... BcxAS0HG2W



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Post 05 Jun 2018, 09:36

Re: thunder's map


How is it made by me. 3locs were live created. Probably will be never finished? :?

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