Great work Tom

I have some problems with the new registration system:
- What if someone has only played TPR? Then they won't know which units were only in TSK.
- What if someone who has never played KaM finds our Remake and plays it, they won't know anything about TPR/TSK. (I know that's pretty unlikely, but not out of the question)
- As mentioned before translation is a problem, militia might be quite confusing for non-english players as it could mean just about any of the TPR town hall soldiers when translated literally. Using images would solve this problem but not the others.
- Couldn't a spam bot simply try all possible combinations? (there's only about 16 if my loose knowledge of statistics serves me correctly) But maybe any kind of puzzle like this will confuse a spam bot.
Surely if we're only trying to stop spam bots then something like this would be enough:
Place these words in the correct order:
But that still has a very limited number of combinations so the spam bot could try all of them I guess... Anyone have a better idea?
EDIT: Not a big problem, but the navigation bar is missing a dot between FAQ and mini chat:

It makes them look like one link, but they are separate as you can see when you hover.
Also, the RSS button is missing, although the page still exists and works fine.