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Setup aborts




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Joined: 28 Mar 2016, 20:04

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Post 28 Mar 2016, 20:07

Setup aborts

Hey there, I got my version through which is the peasents rebellion version. It is also in English. When I try to install the patch, it says it cannot detect the game and aborts the installation. I am on windows 7.

Any solution to this issue?

Thank you.


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Post 02 Apr 2016, 08:24

Re: Setup aborts

To be honest I don't know if the 1.60 Patch is compatible with the GOG version, because it was based on TSK and the GOG version is TPR.. I've never installed the patch and the admin responsible for the patch has left us a long time ago.

Is there a particular reason you want to play the game with this patch instead of the original game or KaM Remake?

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